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  3. Welcome. Nice bike, easy to look after and will last a lifetime.
  4. Yeah #9 provides a little "cover" over the tiny hole (not blocking it). Must be a Honda engineer waking up at night with a vision.... https://www.bike-parts-honda.com/honda-motorcycle/750-MOTO/VFR/1997 The VFR800fi (1998-1999) had the comdom mirrors like the VFR750F. The VFR800fi 2000-2001 (hense Y2k) had these must better looking ones.
  5. Welcome to VFRD from across the pond (where it rains a lot...) As for feeling you overpaid... let it go... the money is gone
  6. "to be able to wheelie better" Buy a Suzuki?
  7. I have not yet serviced anything, all of done to the bike since purchasing it is an oil change for the season. Bought it about a month to a month and a half ago. Not sure if previous owner did or not tho.
  8. Hi all Well Im working through the jobs on my high mileage 2003 VFR800. I brpught it recently and it hasn’t been looked after. I’ve serviced it including oil, filters and spark plugs. I’ve also done the camchain tensioners and a few other bits such as cleaning all electrical connections and stuff. It was running great but broke down recently, thanks to advice here I narrowed it down to the Fuel pressure regulator. That’s now been changed and it’s running again, revs fine on the throttle (not riding just sitting) and after adjusting the idle a little ticks over lovely exactly like it did before the FPR problem. only other question is the exhaust fumes do smell quite fuelly if that’s a word, like possible in burnt fuel. It runs fine, can’t comment on MPG yet as to whether it’s over fuelling. Any initial ideas or things to check or should I just ride it and see if it settles down. I may just be overthinking it since the FPR issue. It has micron ends cans otherwise stock. many thanks for any thoughts cheers Mark.
  9. Have you serviced the clutch hydraulic circuit and actuator shaft on the slave?
  10. So the bike is a CA bike with emissions equipment. If I understand correctly the CA state bike gas tank should only be venting to the charcoal can thru the vacuum line underneath and not have the 49 state cap which also vents from above. My particular gas cap is a replacement cap and I'm fairly sure what's sold is vented as if it were a 49 state bike. At that point it's prob good for my tank bag if it's blocking tank venting out the cap. What would too much tank venting create in the heat is the next question?
  11. What sprocket would u change to get more power low end without giving up to much of my top speed
  12. I how change sptockets to be able to wheelie better but dont wanna lose alot of top speed
  13. Unlikely, unless connector for pulse coils is drenched with a mix of oil & dirt that’s either occasionally shorting to ground or electrically preventing contact inside connector housing/fitting, either of which wouldn’t be very temperature sensitive
  14. Oh, and I have the service manual
  15. Ah interesting info there. This ties in with what Grum was saying on his response about the ignition pulse coils. Thank you for telling me where those are. When I first ran this bike after sitting for about 4-5 months there were leaks a plenty. First were the stuck floats which spewed gas quite liberally over the whole area beneath the carbs. Just running gas thru the carbs a little bit at a time got the floats working properly and no more gas leak. Another issue was an oil leak that happened while on a ride that was coming from the oil filter area. The seal had a very small area of dirt where it was not sitting quite right after the oil and filter were changed (not by me). After I removed the filter and properly cleaned up the area that oil leak ceased. That incident sent oil everywhere including all over the left side of the bike back to the tire. I was on the freeway at the time and was not aware it was losing oil until I went to downshift and my foot slipped off the shifter peg. Loads of oil got into that clutch cover area tho. So much so that I suspected the shift shaft seal had given out. I'm wondering if leftover oil is still causing this new issue somehow? Area was cleaned pretty thoroughly only by wiping area down...no chemicals were used. All that happened weeks before this new issue started.
  16. Thanks Presson, since this ride is 9 years old with no mileage on it, I’m changing the (original OEM) tires, radiator fluids, oil, break fluid, chain adjustment. Not sure about the forks, but maybe later. Never riding in the rain in Florida, what starts as a drizzle, become a tropical storm in the summer. thanks for the feedback
  17. Yesterday
  18. Thank you Terry for the additional info. It does feel very similar to running out of fuel. It is not very sudden like the run switch being turned off at speed. Good to know that a 94 VFR 750 will continue eating itself even with low oil pressure. Are you referring to the fuel vent exiting the bottom of the tank or is there something in the actual gas cap that may be getting blocked by the tank bag I use? I have had the tank off and carbs off to clean up the jets which were only slightly dirty in one bank. Are all the vacuum ports (ex. The ports used to sync) on the outside of the carbs supposed to normally have vacuum hoses attached? Some do in my case and some don't. Has not seemed to affect the way it previously ran. It's had multiple long mileage days in very hot ambient temps (105° 300 mile day 2 weeks ago). I've never seen the temp gauge on the dash go up much if it's going up at all. That seems quite common on this bike. I do hear/feel the fan on at certain times where the bike must be getting hot enough to warrant that. This is definitely got smog equipment and lots of it. I have researched getting rid of that equipment, but most have stated it really changes little other than the slight weight loss and block off plates seem to be needed. This would be another potential reason for removal tho if the charcoal can is plugged. Is there a way to clean out the cannister?
  19. inside) clutch case/cover, pulse/pickup coils for ign. Likely to have failed when hot, one dead will kill entire ign just like the switch on throttle housing does. ‘94-‘97 all same part#, also all no longer available as new part, eBay will have some but you’re forced to gamble whether they’re also likely to fail when hot as it’s unlikely vendors will test them that way. Simplecontinuity test tells the tale but isn’t simple to duplicate temps that cause failure.
  20. Hello everyone, I recently picked up a 98 vfr800 and after riding for some time, I started to notice that my clutch lever doesn't feel as "tight" as it was when I bought it, and have noticed a grinding feeling in the lever when the clutch is released and the bike is in neutral, I can also hear a slight grinding sound from the engine during this. Bike currently has around 32k miles on it. Also recently had an issue where the bike wouldn't go into gear at a stop with clutch pulled all the way in, went from second to neutral and couldn't get it into first without stomping on the gear lever. Any help would be much appreciated, or if there's another forum with similar symptoms, i would also appreciate a link of possible.
  21. Being Dutch (not the tiniest people) make them even smaller...... Here my pal Kees on his 125 Ducati scrambler. 2000km in a week's mountain riding no problem either...
  22. Welcome and a great choice of bike. The 8th Gen is a hugely reliable machine with many of the little niggles on previous versions ironed out. Very little in the way of reports of stuff failing so if you are in to spannering you might be disappointed about how little needs attention. Change the oil and filter every year (assuming you're doing 12 k miles or less). Keep the brake and clutch fluid fresh, keep an eye on brake pads and chain tension - chain adjustment is so easy on these but don't run it on the tight side otherwise you will feel vibes through the bars. I would definitely go to the download section of this site and get yourself the full service manual ( here's the link to the version that covers all the subtypes) https://www.vfrdiscussion.com/index.php?/files/file/271-2014-vfr800f2015-vfr800x-service-manual/ The only other thing I'd suggest is if you are in an area where it rains a lot, fit a hugger to protect the rear shock better. Mine is the Pyramid version which when fitted extends down in front of the swingarm to protect the shock linkage bearings. I've also got a fender extender on the front to stop grit sandblasting the front head; but I am in the UK ! Ah, just seen you are in Florida. So I guess it's hugely dry or, occasionally extremely wet...Sorry about the climate change issue
  23. If they're the later mirrors it looks like mine have already been changed!
  24. So today stripped off the front calipers and stripped them for inspection, found quite a bit of crud in the fluid reservoir so doesn't look like anyone has been in there for some time, while in there I discovered a small spring clip which looks like it fits in the circular recess in the base of the reservoir? Not really sure what it does though? There was quite a bit of corrosion under the dust seals which pushed them out of their groove and was making the pistons stick Just pulled the trigger on all the parts needed to do a full overhaul of the brakes back and front, pistons weren't too bad but had some pitting so they went in the bin with all the rubbers etc. Any suggestions for gold paint to tidy the calipers up before I rebuild them? Still looking into the ignition switch, looking at photos it looks like I will be able to transfer my lock onto the new switch but if not I'll just have to live with an odd ignition key.
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    1. med_gallery_491_3463_298783.jpg

      Juniper Pass

      I took a day off from work and also from my bicycle training to take out the Veefalo one last time before the weather turns ugly, supposed to snow the rest of the week and possibly start sticking to the ground along the Colorado Front Range. I took a leisurely pace up hwy 105 toward Morrison and got reacquainted with the bike since its been over a month since I took any sort of twisties on it at all, hwy 105 is a scenic ride along the front range between Denver and Colorado Springs, its mostly easy fast sweepers and lite traffic so its a favorite road of mine when going north. Then I have to negotiate a bit of traffic near Highlands ranch and up hwy 470 into the mountains. I decided to take the Morrison Exit and try either Lookout Mountain or head up Golden Gate Canyon - this time it was Lookout Mountain, I was sort of making it up on the fly as I went along. Lookout Mountain is my old bicycling haunt from my days while I was working at Coors, its a killer ride and all uphill - I don't think I could do it today If I had to, not quite there yet! I saw a whole bunch of riders doing it though and wished I was in shape enough to be there doing it as well. 30 more lbs and I will be able to do it! On this day I would do it on the Veefalo instead.





      I took a video from the gateway to the top at the Lookout Mountain State Park, getting past riders, the guy in the green jacket actually pretty much astounded me with how far he had gotten in the short time it took me to set up my camera, some 3 miles at least and up to the gateway from the turn off at hwy 6! Amazing I thought. I took the first two turns slow then got more comfortable as I went up further, till I was doing well, I made some gearing mistakes and took the tight 15mph marked hairpins in the wrong gear so I lugged it a bit on one or two. Still enjoyed it though and then got off at the top and hiked over a rock outcropping for an overview of the road for the pictures below.




      Lookout Mountain - Golden Colorado


      Zoomed in


      Lookout Mountain Park top of the mountain

      From there I headed up interstate 70 to Idaho Springs for a beer at the Tommy-knockers brewery, I was the only customer in the joint - slow day for them so they treated me like a king! I got a nice tour of the place sort of impromptu, they made me a nice Pastrami sandwich on rye and with the brown ale it was fantastic. I must say the beer is much better there than in the bottles - its always good at the brewery. I am glad I stopped


      Tommy-knockers Brewpub Idaho Springs


      Idaho Springs Colorado


      Mashtuns and fermenters


      Rows of fermenters

      I finished my lunch and since the road to Mount Evans is right there I headed up Squaw pass hoping to get in some nice pictures I wasn't expecting what I found, ICE IN ALL THE SHADY PARTS


      Icy patches on Squaw Pass definitely taking it easy on that road

      There were some section where the ice covered the whole road for 300 yards or so I had to roll through it with my legs out to help keep the bike from sliding and falling over, I took it real slow. A Ford pickup was right behind me so I pulled over to let him pass but the guy was going slower then even I was so I pressed on - in places where I could see I just cut over to the oncoming lane and out of the ice where the sun was shining on the road more, but some places there was not alternative so I just had to go slow, good thing it wasn't slick but rather they tossed some gravel over the worst parts so I had some traction!

      I did stop for pictures in all the best spots


      Echo Lake at Mount Evans showing off my new plate


      Elephant Butte Park and Denver


      Close up


      Veefalo on Squaw Pass


      Juniper Pass


      Juniper Pass


      Mount Evans

      My route A is home B is Tommy-knockers


    2. martinkap
      Latest Entry


      Not that it matters and not that I expect anyone had noticed, but to those who sent me "where are you?" I would like to say I am back. Not only that I am officially returning to VFRD after nearly 2 months break but I have also ridden my Hawk last weekend and had FUN! Let me restate that; I had major fun riding! Something I have almost given up on.

      Most of you have been riding your whole adult lives and riding is not only a hobby to you, it is part of you. But I started riding three years ago and even though I have encounter some setbacks, till this spring I loved riding with whole my heart. However, I have always considered riding as my hobby. As a hobby which suppose to make my life better, more fun and more rich. Life is too short to do something which we don't fully love.

      My love of riding received a first major scar this spring: I lost a friend on the racetrack. He was a total stranger who offered me his help after I lowsided at CMP track last year. I still remember hearing his "Hi, my name is Todd, do you need help?" while I was duct-taping my roadrash from ripped jacket. He helped me straighten up the shifter and we kept in touch. The next time we saw each other was the day he died.

      With 9 months delay, I can say that Todd's death shook me more than I have realized. It rooted fear in me which was fueled by seeing and hearing about others getting hurt over and over again. If I was to summarize this year - it would be one big accident report. I became sensitive to every broken bone, every roadrash, every lowside. And even though I did 10 track days this year, I became slower and slower and slower. Suddenly, I have acquired this 'grandma' riding style on the road, frozen with fear that behind every corner there is car standing in my lane, or major sand trap or deer staring at me ... I was crippled with fear not only for me about also for my fellow rider.

      So, at the end of this year, I rode more and more by myself. I could not bear the feelings of responsibility for others on the road and my lines were crippled by my own fears. It all culminated this fall at WDGAH. In a freaky accident Love2rideh82crash was taken down by a truck crossing into our lane. I was done. I finished the weekend, locked the VFR into a garage and took a break.

      Until the last weekend, I pretended that motorcycles do not exists. As a last instance after 2 months break from riding, I decided to go to CMP track to see if I can still have fun. I also felt like I should go for the memory of Todd. I went and I had fun! I had much more fun than I expected and the most fun on track I can remember. Suddenly the whole track connected into an uninterupted line of turns and I felt one with the bike riding around! I was giggling like a little girl in my helmet and keep on giggling ever since smile.gif

      Granted I was not the fastest one and through out the weekend, I have never exceeded about 60% of my riding abilities, but I had no "oh-shit" nor 'blond' moments. I could have maybe go faster, I could have brake later for the turns and I could have lean further, but I am no Rossi nor Stoner. I decided to ride for fun and I had amazing blast riding well within my comfort zone.

      I was proud of myself when, after bandaging Ricks arm, I was able to distance myself and go back to riding without the year-long fear. I did feel bad for him but the feelings were not crippling my lines nor my mind. And when a total stranger came to me and said "Hi, my name is Todd", my heart stopped for a minute though but I suddenly knew that my life went a full circle. I probably will never win MotoGP :idea3: , but I am back! :wheel:

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