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Captain 80s

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Captain 80s last won the day on July 6

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About Captain 80s

  • Birthday 03/26/1969

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  • Location
    Edmonds, WA
  • In My Garage:
    86 1000R X2 , 85 1000R, 84 1000F, 86 750F X2, 84 750F, 86 700FII, 86 "RC26", VF500F X2, 86 500 Race

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  1. Change to a solid propellant thruster and glide down. Install a small jet engine and you will never hear the propeller again. Wear and distribute ear plugs to anyone that may be affected. Host a BBQ with lots of booze and buy your neighbors approval.
  2. Exactly. "Acceptable option" might be a better term, but yeah. I run 20w-50 in all of my V4s.
  3. I had a PRICK Honda Dealer owner berate me for buying the Honda GN4 20w-50 from his store. Just went OFF about how I should be using 10w-40 in my bike (a 1986 VF1000R that doesn't leave my heated garage until it is at least 65F outside). Told me to read my owner's manual without even knowing what bike I had. I asked him, why the fuck does Honda even provide it and you sell it then, if every Honda should be using 10w-40. I told him he needs to actually read a manual sometime and he will see. Then the PRICK started quizzing me when I asked for the MJ0 large oil filter. "You know the filters have different valves... blah blah blah..." Just give me the fucking oil filter I know the part number of. God I hated that dick. Luckily he retired and sold the business to his Parts and Sales Managers. It is now a decent dealership.
  4. I use window tint to "dim" the LCD clock in our entertainment center so I'm not staring at it all the time. Works great.
  5. Absolutely. I do that exact thing (with gas or kerosene) all the time.
  6. Nice. Decals are tasteful. Honoring the original, but making it your own. Great work... again.
  7. And that right there is likely is a BIG part of your problem. Sorry man, but the very first thing that went thru my head when I saw your "skills" was, "oh god". You need to read about, look at pictures of and practice basic connection practices. Those are... really not good. And follow Grum's instructions EXACTLY... if you get any more. "I know you said this, but I did that." is the quickest way to lose his interest in helping. Which I'm sure is pretty damn low right now.
  8. Adjusters are very accessible on RC36. Another good suggestion, which I also do every now and then on my bikes
  9. Sounds pretty normal to me. Sometimes after starting on FULL choke, if you give the throttle a slight blip the choked high idle will jump up, and then you can adjust the lever to the desired RPM. Also, you don't necessarily have to completely turn the choke off after a bit. You can dial it down to get a decent idle until it wants to idle without out choke at the proper RPM. Or have everything ready and sit on the bike manipulating the throttle with no choke at your desired RPM until warm and safe to ride without wanting to die in a bad spot. Yes, that is a FANTASTIC engine and bike.
  10. Duuuuuuude. Start a new topic: "Looking for electrical help and / or a good shop in, or around, XXXXXX, DE. Background on the problem can be found here." Then link to this thread.
  11. Been there so many times.... "Pretty damn good. {shakes can to check} Just one last coa..... fuck."
  12. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more sunk-cost fallacy noun noun: sunk-cost fallacy the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial. "the sunk-cost fallacy creeps into a lot of major financial decisions"
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