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interceptor69 last won the day on May 16 2021

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About interceptor69

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  • Location
    Nashville Tennessee USA
  • In My Garage:
    1998 VFR Interceptor
    YT Riding Videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4E9aFBXu86PjTsJ6Zkw0FQ

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  1. I have mine mounted under he screen and above the headlamp. If one uses the Quick app one can (if one has a phone mount) use the app to turn the GoPro on or off and to start or stop recording. That's what I do. Of course I upgraded to the latest version (previously had the small one MotoGP uses) which has a rear screen so when it turns on I can see the screen illuminate.
  2. hope I'm as successful. Have no clue who to take it to. Also the headers are on the bike so can't take them with.
  3. I have the opposite problem-I need the pipe from the Two Brothers can I got 2nd hand expanded to fit the outlet of the new headers, as they are the exact same diameter. I'm worried that will split and I know I can't get another one of those...
  4. True-who would pay $120,000+ for a motorcycle that old?
  5. Actually #1. https://www.hotcars.com/valuable-vintage-japanese-sport-bikes/
  6. I remember reading a story about Freddy Spencer riding a '98 VFR just after they were released around Laguna Seca and posting a respectable lap time. I bought one right after reading that story.
  7. 20230708_083305.mp4 Sound quality is not great and the sound will depend on pipe used-this is a Vance & Hines Ti pipe. Mine is a '98.
  8. So sorry to hear about his demise. Although I never met him I did correspond w/ him a few times here re: the header build/buy and such an easy guy to chat with. I'll think of him next time I open the VFR up and listen to those headers howl.
  9. Wow-that is a great write-up. Thanks for that. A buddy of ours bought bike when I bought my '98 new and loved it but sold it soon thereafter because he was scared he was going to get hurt or killed. He wasn't accustomed to fast bikes so it was sad for him to sell it. I wish I had to skills to do what you did to yours. Maybe when I retire I can delve into the specifics of some of those tasks you completed.
  10. Oops. I do believe I know how to post YT videos or they wouldn't be on YT. However I may have screwed up copying the link to the playlist. Thanks for the helpful comment.
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