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I Am Back !

Not that it matters and not that I expect anyone had noticed, but to those who sent me "where are you?" I would like to say I am back. Not only that I am officially returning to VFRD after nearly 2 months break but I have also ridden my Hawk last weekend and had FUN! Let me restate that; I had major fun riding! Something I have almost given up on. Most of you have been riding your whole adult lives and riding is not only a hobby to you, it is part of you. But I started riding three years ago a



New York Weirdos

It does not take one too much time to realize that New York is one of the most tolerant cities in the world. Or simplier said, the Newyorkers just don't care. They don't care if one wears the latest designer clothes or the dirtiest rags. Would you like to put a pink feathers in your hair, paint your face black and white and drag chains behind you? Please do, but do not expect that anyone will turn their head after you. No one will care. Only tourists with maps will take pictures. Pink feathers,



Lunch And Transmission Fluids

My typical lunch consists of soup, bagel and a can of sugar-free Red Bull which I buy in the cafeteria located in our building. My mother always taught me not to talk and not to read while eating. However, she was quite unsuccessful, especially with the latter and I have developed a habit of browsing news, vfrd posts and personal emails while eating lunch at work. Turkey soup should not be life threatening, so I do not need to devote it full attention. However, an unfamiliar crunch between my t



Lost In Brooklyn

So, I was supposed to take my Hawk to Brooklyn tonight. A friend of mine is willing to trailer it for a track weekend at BeaveRun and back. However, today was not my day. The whole day I felt very tired and my brain hurt but the upcoming rainy weather was not giving me a choice. I had to take the bike there before the 'monsoon' starts. To make sure that I will be able to find his place, I typed his address into google maps and printed it out. My head was tired so I did not even read the name of




"What do you want? What are your goals?" people ask me sometimes. I hate those questions and I don't think much about the people who are asking them either. How lazy of them to ask and assume that I will sit down and tell them all about my aspirations, hopes and possibilities. I cannot describe all my goals in one sentence. So, I usually don't. And, I really hate those questions. I hate those questions even more than a question which people ask so seldom: "What is your life goal?" Sometimes, p



Pick Her Or Not To Pick Her (up) ?

Luckily, I was not standing in the freshly digged grave and was not talking to Hamlet. But the picture I saw was not prettier. I was standing in front of a bike lying on her side and almost obscenely showing her guts. I don't know about you, but I feel that there is something ungodly and disturbing about bike down. It is never a pretty sight. The bike, nicely painted roadster with not much chrome, was lying on my favorite spot. I was too late to repark my Hawk GT and a guy who parks in the sam



Killed By Mattress

On Saturday, I decided to visit my friend in New Jersey. I zoomed through George Washington Bridge and enjoyed about 20 miles of nice freeway speed. Soon, I turned into his neighborhood. I remembered that the last time, I was almost hit by a car coming onto a street from nearby parking lot and thus slowed down. I was on the typical road in the shopping rural area. Two lanes each way, hard median and rather wide shoulder on the side. I kept my distance from ugly looking SUV in front of me and



Sidewalk Nightlife In Nyc

Thursday was just a weird day. In the morning, I have discovered that I got two parking tickets during one hour over night. I did not want to leave my VFR there anymore, so I rode her to work. From then, the crap started just pile up. I went home that night and first I realized that I left my knee protectors at work (which complicated my planned Friday ride out to upstate NY because I never ride without proper gear) and then it took me forever to find the 'right' parking spot for her. I had to



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