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"What do you want? What are your goals?" people ask me sometimes. I hate those questions and I don't think much about the people who are asking them either. How lazy of them to ask and assume that I will sit down and tell them all about my aspirations, hopes and possibilities. I cannot describe all my goals in one sentence. So, I usually don't. And, I really hate those questions.

I hate those questions even more than a question which people ask so seldom: "What is your life goal?" Sometimes, people rather ponder the small matters and avoid the principal issue. Maybe it is because they, even though with many short-term goals, often lack the one major 'life goal' and are afraid that my 'life goal' will overshadow their petty

small goals.

And yet, it is such an important question. "What is our life goal? What is the most significant ambition we want to achieve in our lives?"

Nevertheless its importance, my life goal is simple. "I want to die!" That is the most important aim of my life. It makes me happy. More I think about it, more I am certain that I am right. I want to die!

And the greatest advantage of my life goal is that I am certain I will accomplish it. It is inevitable. I am so sure that I will achieve this most important ambition of my existence, that instead of worrying about it and toiling for it as others, I can just relax and enjoy my life and the journey!

Today, it is exactly 2 weeks till my first track day this year. Bye, bye PMS! :goofy:


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kind of bleak. you should have at least stated an amount of years you wish to attain before your life goal is met. Your not suicidal are you??????? you can pm me and ill talk you out of it i have such great people skills :0 hmmmm wait. after talking to me you may want to advance your life goal.

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  • Member Contributer
kind of bleak. you should have at least stated an amount of years you wish to attain before your life goal is met. Your not suicidal are you??????? you can pm me and ill talk you out of it i have such great people skills :0 hmmmm wait. after talking to me you may want to advance your life goal.

oh oh - I have usually 'sarcastic humor with a hint of morbid' but definitely not suicidal :-)) especially not 2 weeks prior track-weekend :-) ... But thanks for the offer :-)

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Whatever you aim at, I believe you do it good. :lol: How is it you have track days now, I have to wait for a weather still some 2 months :pissed: Btw, really nice pic.

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kind of bleak. you should have at least stated an amount of years you wish to attain before your life goal is met. Your not suicidal are you??????? you can pm me and ill talk you out of it i have such great people skills :0 hmmmm wait. after talking to me you may want to advance your life goal.

oh oh - I have usually 'sarcastic humor with a hint of morbid' but definitely not suicidal :-)) especially not 2 weeks prior track-weekend :-) ... But thanks for the offer :-)

just looking out for you. i was afraid you may be planning to ride your track day while on valium or something. the smilies you added to your reply gave me comfort knowing that you are not depressed and typing with a gun on the desk :P

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  • Member Contributer


I'm so glad I know you. I read that entire blog entry with your voice in my head and began laughing as soon as I read the "I want to die!" line. I'm sure that if you made that statement during a VFR run food stop we'd all be falling out of our chairs.



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I'm so glad I know you. I read that entire blog entry with your voice in my head and began laughing as soon as I read the "I want to die!" line. I'm sure that if you made that statement during a VFR run food stop we'd all be falling out of our chairs.



of course you would....you'd be falling out of your chairs calling 911 :blink: !

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Guest seadooloo


Why have a goal that you may not attain. One thing for sure, that is one goal you are certain of attaining. Just one you may not be hoping for anytime soon! LOL.

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Why have a goal that you may not attain. One thing for sure, that is one goal you are certain of attaining. Just one you may not be hoping for anytime soon! LOL.

dont give her any more thoughts on this! i just talked her off the ledge :blink:

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