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bmart last won the day on December 7 2024

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About bmart

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  • In My Garage:
    Honda '90 CB-1, '98 VFR, '00 VFR, '03 and '03 Yamaha R6 track bikes
    N2/TDW coach (come say hi!)

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  1. Lovely. I can't even keep mine clean. 🙂
  2. You don't see that bike in the background...sounds like a vision/focus issue. 🙂
  3. Absolutely in love with all of my RoadSmarts.
  4. That's a pretty schlong last name.
  5. Increasing the powers! lol Mostly for Captain! https://www.bikeexif.com/motorcycle-with-car-engine
  6. My medium Bohn adventure jacket with oversized shoulder armor arrived today and it is excellent! https://bohnarmor.com/product/airtex-adventure-shirt-with-chest-armor/
  7. bmart

    For Us Dreamers

    Wanted forever...will likely never have any ever. 🙂
  8. Flex them a little and see if they move like intended...or if they "dustify!"
  9. Current stock? Maybe they used old stock pads. OEM pads are pretty crappy...i've "powdered" many of them. It isn't right, but it is. Most never even check them...but they'll find out if they need them! I still put them in my gear, but generally wear a mesh shell with real armor under everything but my Vanson gear, which has excellent armor that stays in place. It burns me up that they put crap armor in cordura, then let it flop all over in there, no where near our hard parts.
  10. All pads of that era do that. Pads aren't lifetime use. Bohn makes nice ones I just put in mine.
  11. bmart


    In my life, I can recall one time that a fastener with a torque setting "just came loose" after being torqued properly. Once. And I'm 100% anti lock-tite, so I use it on nothing.
  12. I safety wired mine on years ago. Works fine. 🙂
  13. I'm not saying it doesn't need to be done...but I don't buy anything with corrosion or bad tanks. Even after many miles...that stuff seems to last forever if cared for. Or...I'm just lazy.
  14. Ditto... Apparently, our money is no good here. 🙂
  15. Any pics of the pistons? I'm curious what was wrong with them as I've never needed to replace pistons (or O-rings, for that matter) in a caliper.
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