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SEBSPEED last won the day on February 29

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  • Birthday 03/06/1982

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  • Location
    Catskill Mtns, NY
  • In My Garage:
    Lathe, Mill, Tig, no RC45...

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  1. Appreciate the heads up, but this post is SIXTEEN years old... use the internet at your own risk...
  2. I think one would need to call Barnett and place the order via telephone, since the website has a glitch.
  3. I called today, the woman I spoke to confirmed they have these in stock. She advised that there is a discount code on the website. I tried to order via the website, but the part is not "clickable", so could not add to cart to determine final price...
  4. I tried to call Friday but they were closed. And then I forgot... I'll try again later this week.
  5. Have you tried contacting Barnett directly? I would be happy to repackage & ship to you if they won't ship direct to Norway.
  6. If you need new precision spacers made after sorting out your final dimensions, hit me up...
  7. You are welcome Sir, thank you for the challenge!
  8. I know the link is dead, but the Barnett part number is in the text. You can copy/paste it to a google search
  9. This is the Barnett part number for the 99lb springs I am using in my bike with the original oem clutch pack. It has ~52-53,000 miles on it. I can consistently spin up the rear tire on hard corner exits, have also done a burnout, hard launches, and countless wheelies with no slipping from the clutch. Barnett 501-99-06091 Low Profile Lock-Up Pressure Plate Replacement Springs Red
  10. It is similar, but different in a few areas.
  11. Email sent to you... Last year, I discovered that squeezing the belt by hand (increasing/decreasing tension) showed movement in the rotrex bracket assembly - I went through and re-tightened/re-tensioned everything. It's worth checking as a maintenance item...
  12. I am using 2 maps which the previous owner of my kit (Arrow here on VFRD) had developed on a dyno in NL. I haven't done much other than turn off the engine braking and turn on the automatic tuning. I'd like to raise the rpm limit. Yaman wanted me to send him my unit for the update, and I didn't feel like taking the bike down for that.
  13. I have the free software so I can view and make the basic changes, thanks
  14. Did RB/Dimsport help with that, or were you able to find software so you could DIY? I'm interested in the software, if you can assist with that...
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