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  2. Lest I forget to give her some TLC.... (and not just the Italians....)
  3. Like I did say, not going to buy a other bike/motorcycle. And agreed, it's not worth buying whit that much parts needed change it can be frame is damaged to. There is actually a other in same town/village for sale that is a 88 that also has a 86/87 fork/wheel but right front fairing that has a hilarious screen!! Wonder if same blacksmith has made them both? Both are listed for 1100-1200€, way to much even if I was in a hunt for a other RC24. I was a bit tempted on a RWB RC24 that was listed for 1800€ and good looking, but was a bit far away, but don't have to think of it anymore as sold 😅
  4. keny

    Anything goes!

  5. That grey is quite good looking, but is not stock as discussed. The front appears to be stock, but... is that a "wow" in the rim right by the "Pirelli" ? Might be an optical illusion, but my eye went there immediately.
  6. Agreed, wrong fairing for the year/frame, it’s a very poor fit Walk away from this
  7. Sounds like my '00. My '98 runs coole). No idea why. I keep a log at every tank fillup of average and high temps that I see.
  8. Black is boring. The grey looks lovely.
  9. I was re-reading this and realised I'm not 100% clear on if the float needles were leaking or the bowl gaskets were leaking. Both are common issues (particularly with ethanol in modern fuel). Anyway, this place hasn't got the bowl gaskets listed...but the do have replacement float valve needles for the 700 if you haven't found any already. https://nrp-carbs.co.uk/shop/index.php?route=common/productsearch&brand=VFR700F I should also mention that generally (and on the assumption they're not worn) you're better off keeping the stock needles/jets etc and just replace any perished rubber bits. Many aftermarket kits are junk. I would favour buying Honda OEM parts for the needles etc where I could (even if s/h).
  10. Hi Grum, all fluids being flushed today, I was going to have the license plate mount 3D printed shorter to look a little more updated.
  11. Very much a "bitsa" and not IMO in a good way! My opinion is that if it's had an impact big enough to need replacing that much it's not worth it unless *really* cheap! Also on the subject of working out early or late even if bits have been changed note the gear lever. The shaft comes out in different places so the early one is straight while the later one is cranked up and then across.
  12. Well, I'm not in the hunt for one more VFR, but still browse local sales site for fun, and this VFR750 got my attention, not that I want tu buy it but something weard whit it.... It's listed as a 89 model, but first looks like a 86/87 that is issued as leftover, bit looking closer I noticed the 88/89 passenger pegs, as 17" wheel spoke pattern and exhaust sure looks 88/89, while forks, front wheel as fairing and panels under seat say 86/87. So as I happen I can check Vin based on license plate number and indeed it's a 89 bike by Vin number! So partly this has had a accident some time and repaired whit parts from a 86/87! Well actually the add says rev counter don't work, no surprise if dash is from a 86/87 and put on a 89 model 😅
  13. Those temps sound about right to me. These things run a little hot.
  14. Here we go, can't really see much of the front wheel with the discs and forks but it's not great, the back wheel is much better but not black it's a sort of smoky grey colour, I quite like it but I'll need to take it to my friend and see if he can scan it to get a code for it.
  15. Cheers Capt. that's what I thought, it was just that the finish on the grey looked better than the black front wheel, maybe it is just a good paint job! I'll put pictures up once they've made their way from my phone to the laptop. Oldred
  16. Wow. That ignition setup has to be a Rainy Day Nightmare!
  17. Hey everyone! I just bought my 2014 VFR800 Interceptor on 6/15/24 with 16,800 miles on the clock. Previous owner was an older gentleman and he traded it for a goldwing lol. He was kind enough to have put an exhaust (no idea the brand I’ve simply been enjoying it though i will check tomorrow before my commute) and handle bars to make the riding position a bit more confortable. I traded in my 2014 CBR500R (my first bike as I've been riding 3 months now) for this beauty and after (finally) cruising on the highway my only gripes are that I wish cruise control was a thought along with a slightly better angle on the windshield… curious as to solutions that have been found by my fellow VFR owners? I am positively in live with the riding experience, riding position, acceleration and buttery smoothness of the transmission so far. I’m curious what tasteful mods y'all have done? I honestly believe that I’ll own this until it dies and I want to make it unique. Im a 24 y/o guy and my ego understands I am not the fastest but I sure think I’ve got the best looking bike on the road right now in Utah lol Thanks to everyone in advance!
  18. I love the stretch of PCH and nearby roads between GG and Bodega Bay. Didn't try the bakery but I've had a few nice coffee breaks at Tomales Deli next door. Here're pics from my 1st visit, back in 2007.
  19. Just a suggestion to improve the looks a little (and only in my opinion!). Rather than going to the trouble of fitting a new tail tidy. An easy job is to neatly cut the plastic extension off just below the number plate. See Photos. And as Presson has already suggested one of the most neglected and important maintenance issues is to Bleed/Flush both brake and clutch hydraulic fluid at a maximum of every two years, its an easy job on the 8gen, I try and do mine every 12 months. A close look at your rear brake fluid reservoir, it seems to be well overdue for replacement! Enjoy the bike. A well cared for 8gen is a very reliable machine. Good to see you have the Deluxe Version. From This To This
  20. Thanks for the feedback everyone, any other suggestions just post back. I’m just getting comfortable with this machine.
  21. Super easy. When you post or reply, see below: "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." You can leave it as an attachment, or insert it where your cursor is. US model 1994 - 1997 VFR750F wheels are Gloss Black stock.
  22. So when I was putting my "new to me" bike through its paces, I noticed that the temp would hit 220F at stops after about 30min of riding. Once moving again around 40-50mph, it would go down, but stay close to 200F, not below. Feeling the outside fairings, I could feel that the right side was noticeably hotter than the left. Once stopped, I could put my hand on the left radiator - pleasant to the touch, but the right radiator was way too hot to touch. So here's the embarrassing part, I had thought that there would be two fans and cursed the right side for not turning on. I had planned to flush the system anyway, so I could know for sure when it was done last. Obviously, I discovered that there is only one cooling fan, that being on the left side. We'll see if the new coolant, at the proper level, makes a difference. I used Honda Type 2 coolant. Also did the Oil and plan to bleed the brakes. I change all the fluids soon after buying a bike so I have a baseline. Question: 1) The system, if I'm reading the diagram correctly is in parallel, other than space, why is there no second cooling fan? 2) Do you think the high temp was attributed to air, or low coolant? The fan was operating, but since I was going to flush the system anyway, I didn't notice the level 3) I know people use ICE, but wonder if that's really required. I live in New England, so we do have heat at times, but nothing crazy...yet 😉 4) Any other tidbits, or advice? I know everyone loves a pic, so here you go
  23. Yesterday
  24. ...ah yes, the Sustain. I have tried it in when I first got the bike, and plan on trying it removed soon. I've just taken both side fairings off to flush the coolant, and change the oil. The bike only has 7k on it, but at least now I know when the fluids were changed last. That said, I WILL be trying it without the db killer.
  25. Yes I'll take some tomorrow, are they easy to post on this forum, some are better than others.
  26. Ahhh...I see you have the correct exhaust pipe. Tell me you have removed the db killer? This allows for appropriate tonal quality.
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    1. med_gallery_491_3463_298783.jpg

      Juniper Pass

      I took a day off from work and also from my bicycle training to take out the Veefalo one last time before the weather turns ugly, supposed to snow the rest of the week and possibly start sticking to the ground along the Colorado Front Range. I took a leisurely pace up hwy 105 toward Morrison and got reacquainted with the bike since its been over a month since I took any sort of twisties on it at all, hwy 105 is a scenic ride along the front range between Denver and Colorado Springs, its mostly easy fast sweepers and lite traffic so its a favorite road of mine when going north. Then I have to negotiate a bit of traffic near Highlands ranch and up hwy 470 into the mountains. I decided to take the Morrison Exit and try either Lookout Mountain or head up Golden Gate Canyon - this time it was Lookout Mountain, I was sort of making it up on the fly as I went along. Lookout Mountain is my old bicycling haunt from my days while I was working at Coors, its a killer ride and all uphill - I don't think I could do it today If I had to, not quite there yet! I saw a whole bunch of riders doing it though and wished I was in shape enough to be there doing it as well. 30 more lbs and I will be able to do it! On this day I would do it on the Veefalo instead.





      I took a video from the gateway to the top at the Lookout Mountain State Park, getting past riders, the guy in the green jacket actually pretty much astounded me with how far he had gotten in the short time it took me to set up my camera, some 3 miles at least and up to the gateway from the turn off at hwy 6! Amazing I thought. I took the first two turns slow then got more comfortable as I went up further, till I was doing well, I made some gearing mistakes and took the tight 15mph marked hairpins in the wrong gear so I lugged it a bit on one or two. Still enjoyed it though and then got off at the top and hiked over a rock outcropping for an overview of the road for the pictures below.




      Lookout Mountain - Golden Colorado


      Zoomed in


      Lookout Mountain Park top of the mountain

      From there I headed up interstate 70 to Idaho Springs for a beer at the Tommy-knockers brewery, I was the only customer in the joint - slow day for them so they treated me like a king! I got a nice tour of the place sort of impromptu, they made me a nice Pastrami sandwich on rye and with the brown ale it was fantastic. I must say the beer is much better there than in the bottles - its always good at the brewery. I am glad I stopped


      Tommy-knockers Brewpub Idaho Springs


      Idaho Springs Colorado


      Mashtuns and fermenters


      Rows of fermenters

      I finished my lunch and since the road to Mount Evans is right there I headed up Squaw pass hoping to get in some nice pictures I wasn't expecting what I found, ICE IN ALL THE SHADY PARTS


      Icy patches on Squaw Pass definitely taking it easy on that road

      There were some section where the ice covered the whole road for 300 yards or so I had to roll through it with my legs out to help keep the bike from sliding and falling over, I took it real slow. A Ford pickup was right behind me so I pulled over to let him pass but the guy was going slower then even I was so I pressed on - in places where I could see I just cut over to the oncoming lane and out of the ice where the sun was shining on the road more, but some places there was not alternative so I just had to go slow, good thing it wasn't slick but rather they tossed some gravel over the worst parts so I had some traction!

      I did stop for pictures in all the best spots


      Echo Lake at Mount Evans showing off my new plate


      Elephant Butte Park and Denver


      Close up


      Veefalo on Squaw Pass


      Juniper Pass


      Juniper Pass


      Mount Evans

      My route A is home B is Tommy-knockers


    2. martinkap
      Latest Entry


      Not that it matters and not that I expect anyone had noticed, but to those who sent me "where are you?" I would like to say I am back. Not only that I am officially returning to VFRD after nearly 2 months break but I have also ridden my Hawk last weekend and had FUN! Let me restate that; I had major fun riding! Something I have almost given up on.

      Most of you have been riding your whole adult lives and riding is not only a hobby to you, it is part of you. But I started riding three years ago and even though I have encounter some setbacks, till this spring I loved riding with whole my heart. However, I have always considered riding as my hobby. As a hobby which suppose to make my life better, more fun and more rich. Life is too short to do something which we don't fully love.

      My love of riding received a first major scar this spring: I lost a friend on the racetrack. He was a total stranger who offered me his help after I lowsided at CMP track last year. I still remember hearing his "Hi, my name is Todd, do you need help?" while I was duct-taping my roadrash from ripped jacket. He helped me straighten up the shifter and we kept in touch. The next time we saw each other was the day he died.

      With 9 months delay, I can say that Todd's death shook me more than I have realized. It rooted fear in me which was fueled by seeing and hearing about others getting hurt over and over again. If I was to summarize this year - it would be one big accident report. I became sensitive to every broken bone, every roadrash, every lowside. And even though I did 10 track days this year, I became slower and slower and slower. Suddenly, I have acquired this 'grandma' riding style on the road, frozen with fear that behind every corner there is car standing in my lane, or major sand trap or deer staring at me ... I was crippled with fear not only for me about also for my fellow rider.

      So, at the end of this year, I rode more and more by myself. I could not bear the feelings of responsibility for others on the road and my lines were crippled by my own fears. It all culminated this fall at WDGAH. In a freaky accident Love2rideh82crash was taken down by a truck crossing into our lane. I was done. I finished the weekend, locked the VFR into a garage and took a break.

      Until the last weekend, I pretended that motorcycles do not exists. As a last instance after 2 months break from riding, I decided to go to CMP track to see if I can still have fun. I also felt like I should go for the memory of Todd. I went and I had fun! I had much more fun than I expected and the most fun on track I can remember. Suddenly the whole track connected into an uninterupted line of turns and I felt one with the bike riding around! I was giggling like a little girl in my helmet and keep on giggling ever since smile.gif

      Granted I was not the fastest one and through out the weekend, I have never exceeded about 60% of my riding abilities, but I had no "oh-shit" nor 'blond' moments. I could have maybe go faster, I could have brake later for the turns and I could have lean further, but I am no Rossi nor Stoner. I decided to ride for fun and I had amazing blast riding well within my comfort zone.

      I was proud of myself when, after bandaging Ricks arm, I was able to distance myself and go back to riding without the year-long fear. I did feel bad for him but the feelings were not crippling my lines nor my mind. And when a total stranger came to me and said "Hi, my name is Todd", my heart stopped for a minute though but I suddenly knew that my life went a full circle. I probably will never win MotoGP :idea3: , but I am back! :wheel:

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