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OK, which one of yuse is this??


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Jeez, no helmet for him or the kid, no gear, and smoking. Kid is what, about 5~7 years old. Luckily for them, they got away with it - but for how long until something bad happens...

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It ain't me Sir. What a f...ing disgrace! Very scary!! :pissed:Shame the kid is learning from an irresponsible idiot.

Nice choice of bike though.

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Back in 1969 aboard my Honda 160 my Nice and Nephew rode me down the perverted
highway... it was great fun and they have never forgotten it...



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Sorry guys. I remember growing up on a bike in the late 70's & since... helmets were optional. I get it, but that's a dad, involving his kid. The only bad thing, is the cigarette. Remember, We all drank beer when we were kids. 'Oops dad, i forgot to get your beer, be right back. 

there's more I can say, but why?

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1 hour ago, 3rdgenred said:

Sorry guys. I remember growing up on a bike in the late 70's & since... helmets were optional. I get it, but that's a dad, involving his kid. The only bad thing, is the cigarette. Remember, We all drank beer when we were kids. 'Oops dad, i forgot to get your beer, be right back. 

there's more I can say, but why?



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I want to know if the kid would have done a runner if the police attempted to pull them over🤔 

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I was trying to find this video on YouTube so I could send it to my brother-in-law (can’t copy the URL above) and I came across this, not nearly as irresponsible but at least he has all the gear.


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Kids are not eligible for Darwin awards, but it appears some adults are so qualified for one they volunteer their kids to join them.  I do wonder at the average intelligence of humanity 😩

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At work they tell us they want us all to strive to be above average - "top grading".  In telling us that they prove the opposite  . . .  The most painful part of becoming a manager where I work is having the hole drilled in your head and having half your breaks sucked out. :wacko: 

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12 hours ago, DannoXYZ said:

well... half of humans are below average intelligence....

I think its more 😂

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If more kids were NOT in school, and had hands on influence without distractions, it would be a different society. I'm all for back to farming. Clean stalls, buck bails, gather eggs, fix fences, sow oats, shoe horses, remodel house, wrench on rust buckets, make yer own bicycle choppers with several forks from others bikes wire tied together, bb gun wars, playing tag with the bull across the property, repeat. Down by the river on a friday night... lol 

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Yeah me too! I'm all for hands on experiences and learning in life. Trying every chance possible to get my nephew out for hikes, bike rides, playing with dogs, going to track with me. Parents are lazy and just drop him in front of video games. Poor kid's an addict and plays games 24/7! Couldn't even open can of soup! Or heat it on hob!

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I'm Gen X. I find Gen Z much easier/relatable/logical/less self focused/etc. than Millennials. I can barely listen to Millennials talk, and it has infected other generations who are trying to get along. 

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4 hours ago, bmart said:

I'm Gen X. I find Gen Z much easier/relatable/logical/less self focused/etc. than Millennials. I can barely listen to Millennials talk, and it has infected other generations who are trying to get along. 


The way Millenials endlessly use the words "like", "right" and "I mean" in nearly every sentence (sometimes multiple times) drives me batshit crazy.  I have to beat the crap out of myself to not to pick up the habit. 

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Those are bad, but my real troublemakers are "kind of" "sort of" every few words. i've never seen a generation raised to be so afraid of commiting to the simplest idea. 

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I'll never get that one. It nearly always comes from someone who doesn't know you. 

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