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Sorry Ive neglected my duties

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  • Forum CEO

I banned about 5 spammers, and delt with a bad thread, issued a temporary ban for inappropriate behaviour.  For the most part this place polices itself but once in a while I have to step in and let people go, or at least put them in vfrd jail. Hate that, I hate that, I hate having to do that sort of thing.


In any case i have not been able to get the server mail function to work, I am at my wits end. I am sure its probably some syntax thing in the configuration but it just wont sent out mail for notifications, and I have not been getting notified when bad things happen here.  Working on it. 

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  • Member Contributer

Great job Miguel many thanks to you AND the other volunteers who keep this sacred site running.


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  • Member Contributer

Mate, for the record,


You are still nailing it.


Many, many Thanks for your service to this community.



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Everyone else may be okay with it, but I've had it.  I'm so angry I'm gonna sell my VFR and only visit this forum a couple times a week instead of several times a day.


Oh wait...I sold my VFR last fall and I'm only here occasionally.  😉  


Just kidding of course, Miguel!  You run a terrific forum.  I may not be on here as much as I used to, but I still enjoy the people and the content.  Keep up the great work!  👍

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