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(Disclaimer: you won't learn anything about VFR's in this post. I don't even provide an opinion on motor oil) 


I was shocked!


I knew that 2023 was my worst mileage year in a decade or two. But I had a bunch of reasons:


About 10 months ago the surgeons at UCSF repaired the mitral valve in my heart. Surgery and recovery rehab pretty much eliminated riding for the spring.  


A simmering, ongoing consulting gig of maybe 10 billable hours/month suddenly and unintentionally took over my life starting in July. Ironically--because of my own personnel recommendations--I became the acting head of operations for a regional movie theatre chain. Fortunately I was able to find my permanent replacement in November.


And...my wife and I now have a grandson, currently 22 months, and we have pretty much been commuting to our son and DIL's place in San Diego.  😊


Where was I? Oh yeah, I was shocked. Yesterday I took a look at the odometer on the Ducati. I then compared it to last year, and...400 was the difference. 400 effing miles in 2023!! That's pathetic. Even if I generously add in another 400 on the RC-51 that's less than 1000 miles in a year. Wow.


So I checked my photos on this laptop, and it was another shock. For the first year in the history of digital photography I had not taken a single bike picture! This was the most recent pic I could find, probably my final ride of 2022, December 23rd:




As JZH said in his recent build thread, I really just had a lot of excuses. Unlike Darryl I was physically and legally able to ride by May. If something is important to you, you don't just drop that activity to do other things no matter how important they may also be. 


I live in one of the great motorcycle riding regions in North America--we can ride pretty much year-round, the roads are fantastic and plentiful, and there's an abundance of natural beauty only a day or two's ride away. And I own two bikes--2017 Multistrada Tour S, 2003 RC-51--that I love, are incredibly reliable, and are really tons of fun to ride.  




Time to get off my ass and behind the bars. Trip planning time! Up to Oregon. A trip through the Sierra, into AZ, the four corners and the Rockies? My favorite Eureka/Yreka/Fortuna loop (aka 299-96-3-36)? San Diego of course. And just hitting the PCH/128/253 etc. when the right day opens up.


Anyway, if you're still reading this diatribe you probably understand the self-induced frustration. No excuses in 2024:





More to follow...      :wheel:


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3 minutes ago, St. Stephen said:

400 effing miles in 2023!! That's pathetic.

There's no doubt that you're doing it wrong. 😛

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I was just reading about tracking miles for the year. I never do, finding it more important how I feel about it. That being said, I've not been riding enough in my retirement.

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Blasphemy! You don't track? That's like not tracking track day expenses!



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I'm not even retired and I don't have enough time to put on more than about 1k a year. 2 kids, a house that I built, and a very, shall we say, selfish/vindictive/physco wife does that to you. The wife bit will be ending soon but not the kids thankfully. 


2024 is going to be different. 

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2 hours ago, bmart said:

Blasphemy! You don't track? That's like not tracking track day expenses!



The beauty of my life is that I don't have to track or budget anything. It may not always be that way but for now it is. I did do my first track day back in October at Polecat Training Center. It was an awesome day. Will do again.

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1 hour ago, Bren said:

I'm not even retired and I don't have enough time to put on more than about 1k a year. 2 kids, a house that I built, and a very, shall we say, selfish/vindictive/physco wife does that to you. The wife bit will be ending soon but not the kids thankfully. 


2024 is going to be different. 

That sucks Bren, hope your 2024 is better. Hang in there!


House and two kids for me too, but fortunately not that wife part. Early days we moved for my job and my ratty GS400 got stolen at work, couldn't afford a replacement. After my only four adult years w/o a bike we went out to eat, told her I just had to get another bike (VF of course). She was fine with it. 😊  BTW, she was six months pregnant. 

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Shocking!  People have actual lives and can't dedicate endless hours to riding for fun?  Blasphemy!!  🙂


I got 6k miles in for 2023.  The year before was 5k, but my bike was offline for a few months due to waiting for a new front wheel to arrive.  I used to average more like 7-8k, but over the years (except for 2020) I've gotten busier and busier as a musician, in addition to my day job.  Being busy some weeknights and most weekends led to fewer rides.  I usually try to do 2-3 trips annually, but managed just one this past year.  At least it was a good one!


If I'm being completely honest, several years ago my annual mileage dropped to about 1,500 for two straight years.  I'd gotten busy (work/gigs) and kind of just lost my mojo for riding.  I'd been looking at buying another bike on and off for a while, but what was the sense in buying a new (or used) motorcycle if I wasn't even riding it that much?  In 2019 I rode more, and even more in 2020 when I had a lot of spare time due to all my musical activities being canceled due to the pandemic.  With the established uptick in miles I decided to go ahead and buy my current bike.  Hopefully this year I'll at least equal the 6k for 2023.


Good on you for already making plans to ride more.  Personally, I'm hoping to finally do the trip to Maine I've been wanting to do for the last few years.  Probably in late August.  🙂

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18 hours ago, Sweeper said:

The beauty of my life is that I don't have to track or budget anything. It may not always be that way but for now it is. I did do my first track day back in October at Polecat Training Center. It was an awesome day. Will do again.

I hear ya. I like to track stuff. It puts me at peace...and I hate spending time hunting down little details one at a time! 🙂


Ping me if you want to do some track time. I coach for a few orgs in the south east...until I age out!

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Between the 2 Gileras, 2 Hondas, Moto Morini and MV Agusta rode some 24,000km in 2023.

40hrs work per week restrict a bit..



But some 42 days paid vacation per year helps... :laugh:


Plan to ride the same kms this year, tripto the Manx GP already decided upon.


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My mileage is way down too... guessing sub 4k... used to do over 12k easy... gotta pick it up this year... 

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Hope we all get some more seat time this year. My Multi has only seen 6K over the last 3 years.

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Did I hear my name? Yeah, good times, brain surgery, then suspended license, what a year! although I did get my license reinstated, I did also lose my insurance coverage for next year, seems the under writer does not allow for any license suspensions, for any reason! All good now, in both health and insurance, but don't want to go through any of that again!


As far as riding, I haven't been to the track in a couple of years, and it was just about 9 months to the day from my initial seizure to the day I got my license back, so a small bit of time without any riding. Felt like forever though. Once I got my license back, I hopped on the bike as soon as I could, did a couple of commutes to San Diego and a few little trips down the coast and back, so I was able to at least go over the 400 mile mark, but still have not done a "proper" ride yet.


I'll definitely be doing some local "twisty" rides soon and hopefully get back to the track to work with the Superbike School again. Just need to get some bike restoration projects completed first, need to get some garage space back. Of course I do sneak out for those little rides but those only comfort me for so long.

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On 1/4/2024 at 9:13 PM, bmart said:

You get days off?


Work - Life Balance Euro Trash Style!!! 🙂

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16 hours ago, Duc2V4 said:

Did I hear my name? Yeah, good times, brain surgery, then suspended license, what a year! although I did get my license reinstated, I did also lose my insurance coverage for next year, seems the under writer does not allow for any license suspensions, for any reason! All good now, in both health and insurance, but don't want to go through any of that again!


As far as riding, I haven't been to the track in a couple of years, and it was just about 9 months to the day from my initial seizure to the day I got my license back, so a small bit of time without any riding. Felt like forever though. Once I got my license back, I hopped on the bike as soon as I could, did a couple of commutes to San Diego and a few little trips down the coast and back, so I was able to at least go over the 400 mile mark, but still have not done a "proper" ride yet.


I'll definitely be doing some local "twisty" rides soon and hopefully get back to the track to work with the Superbike School again. Just need to get some bike restoration projects completed first, need to get some garage space back. Of course I do sneak out for those little rides but those only comfort me for so long.

There will be a motorcycle for you to ride should you ever come to the Netherlands.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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No sympathy from those of you parked for the winter, but the heavy rains here may back off tomorrow and the RC wants to go out first:



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9 hours ago, St. Stephen said:

No sympathy from those of you parked for the winter, but the heavy rains here may back off tomorrow and the RC wants to go out first:






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16 hours ago, St. Stephen said:

No sympathy from those of you parked for the winter, but the heavy rains here may back off tomorrow and the RC wants to go out first:




I'm counting on the rain this week washing away the massive amounts of salt and brine that were put down.  Only reason I've been taking the car these past few days 

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Me too, tomorrow is looking good for me 🤞

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  • 1 month later...
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Lots of rain recently but a nice day today before it all returns tomorrow. Did a thorough chain cleaning, adjustment and lube Tuesday so felt like everything was ready and prepped for a 10 day trip! However, this was not a 10 day trip, just 60 miles. I may complain about the rain but spring after an El Nino winter is beautiful here.


Sorry it's not a VFR, but...red...V cylinders...motorcycle



Squint and you can see the Pacific ocean...


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