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Had a tough time deciding where to post this.

So..... I'm working in the garage, need a bolt from the hardware store a mile away. Side streets or a 35 mph main highway.

Wearing jeans, T shirt, sneakers.

Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?

A helmet, gloves, and maybe a jacket would be what I would choose to add.

Otherwise, I would just take the car.

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Occasionally, I'll skip the boots and mc pants for a very short ride...........but I never ride without a helmet (state law), armored jacket and gloves.

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1 mile?? Not worth all the effort and time of gearing up. Better off just walking over there, it might actually take just as long to do so as going ATGATT on a bike. Pus healthier, easier on the enviironment



95 VFR

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I don't get what you're asking? You can ride your bike in a bikini top and speedos for all anyone cares. It's a personal decision. Like asking what kind of oil to run....in the lawnmower.

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I don't get what you're asking? You can ride your bike in a bikini top and speedos for all anyone cares. It's a personal decision. Like asking what kind of oil to run....in the lawnmower.

My question was "Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?"

That's OK that I didn't make myself clear to you.

Others seem to have understood the question and their replies are appreciated.

Had a tough time deciding where to post this.

So..... I'm working in the garage, need a bolt from the hardware store a mile away. Side streets or a 35 mph main highway.

Wearing jeans, T shirt, sneakers.

Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?

A helmet, gloves, and maybe a jacket would be what I would choose to add.

Otherwise, I would just take the car.

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I don't get what you're asking? You can ride your bike in a bikini top and speedos for all anyone cares. It's a personal decision. Like asking what kind of oil to run....in the lawnmower.

My question was "Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?"

That's OK that I didn't make myself clear to you.

Others seem to have understood the question and their replies are appreciated.

Yosh's reply was quite sensible. Your question can not be answered by anyone else but you. it's up to you to decide what to wear and when. If you want to throw on a helmet and ride the mile in Tshirt and sneekers then do so, if you want to get on a full set of leathers, boots, helmet, then do so. No one decision is right or wrong. You must make these decisions on your own. Others will only tell you what they do.

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I don't get what you're asking? You can ride your bike in a bikini top and speedos for all anyone cares. It's a personal decision. Like asking what kind of oil to run....in the lawnmower.

My question was "Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?"

That's OK that I didn't make myself clear to you.

Others seem to have understood the question and their replies are appreciated.

Yosh's reply was quite sensible. Your question can not be answered by anyone else but you. it's up to you to decide what to wear and when. If you want to throw on a helmet and ride the mile in Tshirt and sneekers then do so, if you want to get on a full set of leathers, boots, helmet, then do so. No one decision is right or wrong. You must make these decisions on your own. Others will only tell you what they do.

And that's basically what I was asking.

Based on those answers, I will make my own decision.

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I am ATGATT, or at least I was.

I live in a small town (pop 1000) with little traffic and where everything is a few minutes away, except that there are large hils at either end of town. So I've started riding my dirt bike, DR350, around town in shorts, t-shirt and sandals. My safety gear consists of a dirt bike helmet and gloves. I figure it is an acceptable risk. If I rode my bicycle (or had a scooter) I would be wearing the same thing going about the same speed down the hill. For riding outside of town, it is full gear without question.

You have to decide what is an acceptable risk for you.

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No you don't need to gear up, as long as you are willing to accept the risks and the results if something were to happen during that 2 mile ride.

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  • Member Contributer

I am ATGATT, or at least I was.

I live in a small town (pop 1000) with little traffic and where everything is a few minutes away, except that there are large hils at either end of town. So I've started riding my dirt bike, DR350, around town in shorts, t-shirt and sandals. My safety gear consists of a dirt bike helmet and gloves. I figure it is an acceptable risk. If I rode my bicycle (or had a scooter) I would be wearing the same thing going about the same speed down the hill. For riding outside of town, it is full gear without question.

You have to decide what is an acceptable risk for you.

Good comparison.
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I'm with Beck on this one. Walk to the store, unless what you have to get is going to be too big and/or heavy to carry, then take the car. If it was just a bolt, walking would have been my choice. Whether its a 65 MPH, 35 MPH, or 15 MPH road, it's a road and there are these objects on roads and they are large and dangerous, so it's up to you how you dress for one mile or several. Personally I found that it's the times that you don't do something you normally do, is when you find out the hard way why you should have. And Yoshi, I use castrol GTX in my mower!

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No you don't need to gear up, as long as you are willing to accept the risks and the results if something were to happen during that 2 mile ride.

:fing02: Any time you ride, you have to accept those risks.

ATGATT will help in most cases, but it certainly doesn't make you invulnerable.

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Nope. I understood fine. You asked: "Do I need to gear up for the 1 mile ride?" The answer to that is a resounding NO. You don't NEED to gear up or down. Everyone has a different opinion. It's a personal choice, weighing the risks to advantages and alternatives. From the above, people do differently, and none are in any way wrong.

It's a decision that one should make on their own, to be simple.

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Helmet, Jacket,Gloves, Jeans, and Sneakers for around town.....I'd never wear shorts on the bike for any reason. But that's my personal choice. When younger I never wore a helmet, but now I'd never go farther than around the block without a helmet.

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I got hit within 2 miles of home, AGATT feetsies took the brunt so glad I was wearing boots. I don't know - I agree with everyone else, your personal choice, I have run to the store and am so used to running with all gear that I felt naked when I forgot gloves. It's all up to you, but just remember who is in charge of the bike, YOU! Who cares what everyone else thinks, they don't pay your medical bills!

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I ride from 12,000 to 15,000 miles a year and most of it is on back roads for time periods that justify the time it takes to dress properly. For those rides I wear Kevlar lined pants, strap-on knee/shin guards, Icon boots, helmet, gloves, armored jacket (leather, textile or mesh).

Due to health issues, the walking is not an option and my errands are usually run in a car. One of the reasons being the time needed to dress for the ride. I decided that a helmet and gloves take virtually no time to put on and might be sufficient for the few short in town trips. An armored jacket probably isn't much more effort.

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I got hit within 2 miles of home, AGATT feetsies took the brunt so glad I was wearing boots. I don't know - I agree with everyone else, your personal choice, I have run to the store and am so used to running with all gear that I felt naked when I forgot gloves. It's all up to you, but just remember who is in charge of the bike, YOU! Who cares what everyone else thinks, they don't pay your medical bills!

Interesting. My sneakers probably are my main point of concern. If I put on boots, I just as well wear everything else, too.

Maybe I'll just stick to the car for in town trips.

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If I'm taking the 35mph route a mile or two I'd just throw on the gloves and helmet, probably some hiking boots and a jacket depending on the weather. I look at it from a bicycling perspective, you often do 15-20mph, occasional 35-40 down hills, in little more than spandex underwear/t-shirt and those hair nets called cycling helmets. I stay off the high speed highways unless properly armored.

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The all important and all knowing "they" say that the majority of accidents happen within 3 miles of the origin of the trip. If you believe "them"

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