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Everything posted by TimC

  1. Great funny pic! Like Kansas but without the wheat and corn fields.
  2. There can be only one! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing them! I would love to tour the UK someday, mostly Ireland and Scotland. I will have to bring the golf clubs if I ever get to go!
  3. TimC

    vfr rear angle.JPG

    That looks great! Very unique, too. I like it. May I ask what it cost to powder coat both wheels? (Not including mounting new rubber, etc.)
  4. If Rossi does it exactly as that photo shows, it's allowing him to stretch a bit and to focus his attention solely on his bike, since that's about all he could see from that position. Good to clear his head (and field of vision) by letting the bike block out all other visual stimuli. Many athletes have 'pre-game rituals' that they go thru before every event. Most people use them everyday but may not realize it. For me, one routine I have is the feet: Right sock, right shoe, left sock, left shoe. Unless I'm wearing boots, then it's right sock, left sock, right boot, left boot, tie right boot, tie left boot. I'm not freakishly obsessive about it, but doing it differently feels strange. Gloves are the opposite, though. Always left glove 1st, then right.
  5. I like visiting dealerships, but just to look around. Unless I have a specific question I don't even bother with the salespeople. I just tell them I'm looking around. I like checking out new bikes even tho I have no intention of buying another bike anytime soon. It's just a twisted passion I'm sure I share with lots of other riders. Haven't dealt w/parts counter punks yet, but I know the type. What amazes me is how many kinds of jackets, gloves, helmets, or other general accessories some shops carry in stock, but they only have 2 freaking tank bags to choose from?!? That's ridiculous. No wonder most of us buy everything online. Esp. when the e-tailers offer free same-day shipping. No sales tax, no wasted time, no attitude...just can't beat it.
  6. Enjoyed your blog entry, HS. There aren't too many good twisty roads around where I live, and the ones we do have are too short, just a mile or two at most. I usually hit those roads at least once per week, and usually do 2 or 3 passes each day I ride those roads. Last night was a prime example: Have a new favorite road that goes a couple miles or so, smooth, no stop signs, few cages, no cops (so far). Sometimes double the "caution 20 mph curve" warning signs, and have hit 100 on the one long flat stretch (tho not at night). I did 5 passes on that road last night, bugs and all. Like you w/Bishops Castle, once I find a good fun road I'll keep going back to it.
  7. TimC

    2004 VFR

    Pics of my '04 VFR
  8. TimC

    VFR pic 4

    From the album: 2004 VFR

    Pic #4 of my red '04 VFR.

    © &copyvfdiscussion.com

  9. TimC

    VFR pic 3

    From the album: 2004 VFR

    Another pic of my red '04 VFR.

    © &copyvfdiscussion.com

  10. TimC

    VFR pic 2

    From the album: 2004 VFR

    Red '04 VFR.

    © &copyvfdiscussion.com

  11. TimC

    VFR pic 1

    From the album: 2004 VFR

    My new-to-me '04 red VFR.

    © &copyvfdiscussion.com

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