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boOZZIE last won the day on September 28 2020

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About boOZZIE

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  • Location
    Victoria. Australia
  • In My Garage:
    R.I.P.02 VFR800
    2010 VFR800
    2014 CBR1000

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  1. 🤣The guys name that put a huge engine in a motorcycle Hooijdonk
  2. IIRC, not from experience only what has been read, the cams can be moved for a performance increase https://vfrworld.com/threads/cam-timing.36345/ Pretty sure it's been discussed on vfrd.....somewhere
  3. Maybe this https://titanclassics.com/product/titanium-exhaust-studs-m6/
  4. Do you have any wreckers nearby for 2nd hand ones. Also I think copper grease was recommended on the nuts for reinstall
  5. Actual name is WiLD The fabricators name is Wade i for industries L for Lance - SFDownhill RIP D for Darryl - Duc2v4 L & D the men that made the magic come to fruition. Now some call them the VFRD headers bc of how many people were involved with the details and design and discussion (over several years iirc) in the 1st thread and ultimately the 2nd thread which was successful. And I think that name is more than acceptable also.
  6. Bump bump
  7. Been using 5w30 Penrite on BLS (gotta blame someone else) recommendation of less restriction. But more than likely just a weak ass selection when pushing on corners
  8. Did you crack a nipple 😀 to release the air though
  9. Do you get the false neutrals if you've gone to far on the oil
  10. Home made with some generic mufflers
  11. Any advantage/disadvantage for running your brake line by drilling a hole in that little square plate at the top front right of s'arm (last pic)
  12. BOUGHT FROM US, as in A1🤦‍♂️
  13. Welcome Bobby fellow Melbournian This bought from A1? I think I saw that listed just the other day imported from the states, hardly any Ks Nice 1
  14. For those who like techy stuff @WackenSS cutting the bottom bung will probably clear the sensor from the fairing 🥺 oh well I've already notched mine
  15. Replaced the front cam chain tensioner lifter. Someone who calls themselves a mechanic, in their infinite wisdom, thought it would be a good idea to hold the gasket in place with a bit of sticky tape. And you guessed it the sticky tape covered the oil feed hole. WTAF. Anyways I'm thinking that most of the noise came from the sloppy head 😏😀 of the lifter rather than the weak spring.
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