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Contributions - VFRD is a member supported website with no commercial advertising


Every time I turn on the local NPR radio station I cringe when they are doing fund drives, which is pretty much every three months.  I am a supporting member but its seems like jeez every time I actually listen, which is probably once or twice a month driving my car around town. I have to shut it off cause its well a bit over bearing. I hope to never have to do that here but it seems the time has come for me to ask for help since I am going out of pocket lately to keep this place going.


We have collected 59% of the goal so far which was sustaining us up until I lost the hard drive on the server, which entailed a lot of work on my part and some serious downtime involving me trying to restore the old software for 3 days strait to no avail.  I had it like I wanted it and many of you like the old site the way it was too, however Linux is constantly changing, constantly upgrading and bits of pieces of software go unsupported and unavailible as time goes on.  They call it a Lamp stack - the engine that drives a linux webserver.


Linux - the operating system that allows a computer to work

Apache - the software that serves up HTTP web and publishes our site to the world

MySQL - the database that powers all the data and stores it rapidly and efficiently

PHP - the programming language that this forum is written in


Well every part of the lamp stack must be compatible in order to make vfrd work, I lost the hard drive and the old outdated lamp stack that worked with the old forum software.  I had to rebuild it - I tried to recreate the stack the way it was so I could just copy over the saved files from the site, but my backup was incomplete, it had all the vfrd files I needed but not all the of the linux files so I had to rebuild from scratch.  3 days trying to get the right combo of stack to work with the old files just wasnt happening and I was coming to conclusion I needed just to upgrade everything to the latest version and upgrade vfrd forum invisionboard software as well - I had planned on doing it anyhow but I was waiting for the moment when I had all the right peices of the puzzle in place.  Did not happen that way as you know and as the forum is currently not in the same state as complete as I would like (a home page would be nice WORKING ON IT TRUST ME IM WORKING ON IT) - so I rebuilt it as current as possible with a lamp stack that works together with all the forum programs in unison.


Well that server melt down cost a bit more money than I had planned for and as a result - we are 75% of the way into the budget year with 59% of the budget proccedes collected, I am coming up short!  


VFRD needs to collect $225 each month to sustain operation, I planned a bit of overage but with issues we had I did not plan enough. But $225 a month will do the job!  So far this last July we have Collected $70 and nothing so far this month.  I have put an awful lot of time and my own money into this thing I could use your help - those of you who have already contributed thank you so much. If you havent and you value this place as much as I do please help out!  You have no idea I have much I hate to have to ask!





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Don't know how I missed this. I'm in again when I get home.
This place is more entertaining than many of the things I pay for monthly and much cheaper.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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