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In My Garage:

  1. First off I’m completely new here so I hope I’m going about this correctly and posting in the right spot. Ok so about 2 weeks ago I went and hit the triple nickel in Ohio (state rt 555) and on my way back I came out of the store and my fuel pump wouldn’t prime which has happened in the past but not for years after repairing the burnt fuse connection so I wiggled some wires and said a few prayers and got her to prime again but then it still didn’t want to start. Had to feed it some throttle to get it to do anything and still all it wanted to do was only barely stay running on 1 cylinder and I had to hold about half throttle just to do that. After letting it sit for another 10-15 minutes or so I went back out to try it again and voila magically it started right up and ran perfect for the 200 miles i had to ride to get home. Turned the bike off and restarted it with absolutely no trouble probably 5 or 6 times on the way home but now it hasn’t ran since, just wants to only run on one cylinder now and only with lots of throttle input to get it to do that. Smells kinda flooded like that raw fuel smell afterwards. Pretty sure All my grounds are good, I just went thru the ones under the tank and the harness recall has been done. Switched ECU’s also with no luck…. Any ideas? Seems like it almost has to be wiring related. ANY info/help will be GREATLY appreciated!
  2. Hi all, thanks for running and contributing to this awesome forum. I'm from a village in Quebec, Canada. Couple of weeks ago I acquired a 2003 VFR800 ABS with ~11 000 km (~7000 miles) on the clock. I hadn't understood the motor at first while test riding the bike, as recently I had had experience only with off-road thumpers and inline 4s, but a bit later it grew on me a lot and now I just love riding it. Also, I find the stock suspension is decent bordering on good 🤣 🤐. Initially I wanted to buy an ST1300, but now I definitely prefer the VFR as a long distance universal tourer, and a fun machine in general. The bike was in a pretty good condition in general thanks to low mileage, but of course I wanted to make it good all around. I replaced a partially rodent damaged air filter, changed oil (which still looked ok when drained) for Rotella T6 15W40 with a new filter, cleaned some blocked breather tubes, changed coolant with Honda antifreeze (old coolant looked like the same Honda stuff and was clean, but I did it just in case, and also cleaned the inside of the expansion tank from sediment). Cleaned the chain from some kind of whitish chain lube with kerosene and switched to gear oil, which in my experience is the way to go with motorbike chains. Sprockets look new . Also cleaned the calipers and installed new EBC pads, installed a couple of missing nuts and clips. Lastly got rid of the bar risers and beefed up the charging part of the wiring and cleaned and greased all electrical connectors I could reach. I'm planning to build an active RR myself and replace the OEM one. I've tested all major electrical components and for now all is good. A lot of things to do are still on the table, which can be good if you look at it at a certain angle, but the bike is a good runner already and I enjoy riding it in plentiful local twisties a lot.
  3. Hi guys,I have an opportunity to buy a. sweet looking gal,2006 sixth gen sweetheart seen below,but shes about to clock over the 100,000ks mark. Is she going to start costing me $$ as things wear out? What wears out,and roughly when?? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Bikeless at the moment,last ride was this CBR600F4 pictured. Cheers guys. Oh,Im in Australia,hot Qld climate.
  4. 2004 6th Gen Long story short: Bike stolen. sat for a year. replaced clutch slave gasket. flushed, replaced and bled DOT 4. Rides and operates fine until about 15mins of highway riding and then the clutch starts to slip. I drop a gear to accelerate and the engine revs with no power being put down. Is it time for a new clutch? and why does it just suddenly start happening after its all warm and toasty? i didnt want to pop it all open without consulting the oracle first. thanks in advance.
  5. Hi guys, yet another VFR rebuild. A friend's VFR '04 had been parked for over 2yrs. He's decided to get back in the saddle. We've been able to get the bike running after replacing crankshaft and rod bearings, plugs, new ccts and new SC project exhausts. However, the bike runs horribly on all for plugs, makes a bang sound and idles roughly. The revs do not come down if you blip the throttle when the bike is warm. But here's when it gets funny, if you disconnect #4 spark plug, it runs smoothly, but you can hear popping in the exhaust due to unburnt fuel. No FI lights... But I can hear a clicking sound like a vacuum leak. I've attached audios. You can hear when #4 plug is connected and disconnected. 1095050986_30Sep11.08.aac 30 Sep, 11.14​.aac
  6. Hello everyone! I wanted to share my story of becoming a VFR owner and some of my early struggles. I started to browse this forum as soon as I understood that my next purchase will be a 6th gen VFR – a noticeable upgrade from my humble Honda NTV ’93, which I loved, but felt the need to upgrade for sport-touring type of vehicle. At the very start I set my eyes on the 5th gen model, since I liked the sound of gear driven cams, riding comfort and the looks. Which is why I searched everywhere for one and since I’m from Latvia, “Everywhere” meant nearby countries and Germany. While I was still figuring out my finances, one popped up 70km from my hometown, but since I wasn’t able to buy it outright, I pitched the idea to my friend, who was aiming for a 6th gen at a time. We went to check it out and he bought this beauty with 30k kilometers on the clock: Now he is in love with it and it’s understandable – great motorcycle in perfect shape. Afterwards I got a chance to work overtime and earn the much needed cash for trading up – the hunt for my new bike was on! While looking around I was still mainly interested in owning a blue 2001 VFR800, which looks great in this color and has no choke lever or bulky mirrors. But since budget had grown and I could afford to spend 4000 EUR on my new ride (that includes selling my old girl), I started to take liking to the 6th gen models – that rear end is juicy 😄 After three weeks of searching, one popped up in Lithuania, 140km from my home – it was right on the budget, leaving me nothing for unexpected expenses, but boy was it mint.. This 2003’ blue beauty had only 14K kilometers on the clock, no rust, OEM side luggage and aftermarket windscreen. Test ride was rough, since it had been raining, but I felt out what I could and even tried out the VTEC system, since way too many people have complained of it being to rough on 2002 model. (side note, after a couple months of riding my VFR, I can confidently say that I love the VTEC transition – it is addicting and makes me smile) Even though I had some doubts about this bike being heavier and bulkier than my starter motorcycle and a slight worry about maintenance since I’d have to disassemble the fairings, which was a first for me – I pulled the trigger and bought it. Purchase was made in July, so I decided to just change the oil, oil filter and enjoy the season. Fairing removal was very scary for the first few times 😄 The only upgrade I had to do was purchasing a PUIG attachable windshield extension, since I was getting pummeled by turbulence. While it was expensive, it improved the riding comfort immensely. First few months were slightly worrying since I was now in completely different riding position and the bike hadn’t broken me in yet – I had back aches and was even contemplating selling it if nothing changed. Luckily I got used to my new partner and had an amazing fall season. In late autumn I prepared the bike for storage approximately 5 times since I kept pushing the season longer 😄 But after winter came I parked it for good and started to make a to-do list for maintenance. I knew about wiring issues which were present before 2006 so I ordered the VFRness. An expensive but necessary upgrade. I think I paid like 160 EUR total to get it shipped to me. Also I couldn’t look at my fork dust seals for they had cracks in them from prolonged storage (14k of riding for a 03’ motorcycle has it’s downsides). Wiring in general had to be refreshed buy cleaning all the accessible connectors. While working on a stripped bike and adding the VFRness I noticed many damaged rubber grommets so they had to go. What also reared it’s ugly head, was the fact that my bike had been in a collision which damaged the plastic mounts on my speedometer. Now I knew why it had a fancy new windshield.. So I kept working on refreshing or fixing everything I found to be less than perfect and after adding the switchable circuit VFRness I started to wonder on what accessories could I add and how to mount them. Which is when I found out about the elusive HISS bracket 😄 Why elusive you ask? Because the only guy who makes them, doesn’t ship to my country.. So I made one for myself using Fusion 360 Once the bracket was mounted, I had to fill the new mounting sockets with something 😄 So I bought a gear indicator from AliExpress and a Voltmeter / USB charger (both light up in green so they match). A friend helped me to 3D print a holder for the gear indicator and did a terrific job of it: After adding both VRFness and HISS bracket, I opted to also install heated grips, but in the cheap way 😄 I ordered a kit from AliExpress which had to be modified to fit, but I am used to soldering so it was fine. (These are only useful on high setting, but they do help a lot when I’m riding off season – 5 degrees Celsius is perfectly fine for me now). While at it, I also added aftermarket levers and figured out a way to fit a RAM mount. I took the idea from this forum, but had to make my own ball mount since original one was too low and I risked damaging paint on my gas tank. I also decided to strip paint from my bar-ends 😄 And that’s all folks – now I am already sneaking in a few spring rides in anticipation of an approaching new season which will no doubt bring me many great memories with my mates and my beloved motorcycle 🙂
  7. 2007 Honda VFR800 for sale with less than 6,800 miles! I am the 2nd owner. The bike was dropped by the first owner, apparently while stationary, cosmetic damage only (see photos). I am moving overseas so I must part with my beloved. - Oil: changed about 800 miles ago with full synthetic. - Coolant: changed about 800 miles ago. - New Yuasa battery about 800 miles ago. - Tires: Front looks good, rear is not bad but a replacement should be on your radar. - Leo Vince slip ons - Power commander - Battery Tender quick connect - Center stand - Tags good until October 2022, title in hand $5k. Pick up in Seattle area.
  8. So curious question for someone that has acces to both bikes and would be willing to test this for me. I am wondering if the seats are interchangeable between the 5th and 6th gen models. The reason for this is that there have been mutliple custom gel VTEC seats available near me. But not a single 5th gen seat. And I'd love to have one. Hope someone can help me with my inquiry 😄
  9. I recently acquired a low mileage 2007 VFR with a Two Brothers Racing 4-to-1 exhaust system (mufflers and mid-pipe). However I'm a middle guy with plenty of hearing loss who lives in the suburbs, so I switched back to the quieter OEM mufflers. With this system, the left muffler is not used but included to maintain symmetry, could be used for storage. It sounds great and is considerably lighter than the OEM system. It's very easy to install, attaches at the same points of the OEM system and re-uses the OEM hardware. I'm asking $150 and whatever shipping costs from Central Virginia. I can make myself available for pickup as well. Thank You.
  10. I recently purchased a 2007 VFR that came with an unopened Zero Gravity Double Bubble Windscreen, dark smoke. It's 18.5" high, 15" wide (measured straight across), or 21" wide measuring across the surface. I'm happy with the stock windscreen and would rather sell this to someone who would use it. Besides, I could always use the cash.
  11. I am located in the Greater Toronto Area and I am looking to sell both the stock exhaust and the Staintune exhaust for my VFR800. How much could I get for it? I would prefer a local deal so there is lower sick of getting scammed online, but I am open to also selling online and shipping it? I thought I would ask you guys before I post with a price that is too low or too high.
  12. I installed a set of Leo Vince pipes and at this point don't plan to put stock back on. Free if you pick it up in the Seattle area. Let me know if you want pictures.
  13. Version 1.0


    This is the same manual that was available here on VFRD. I noticed it was missing from the downloads section and wanted to replace it. Optimized the file size so that it is only 65 MB. Ran OCR text recognition to enable text searches on the entire book.
  14. View File Scan of 6th Gen Grabrail Spacer for 3D Printing This is a two part file for a hard to find part for the OEM luggage kit of a 6th Gen VFR. The official Honda part numbers are, 08L41-MCW-80012 and 08L41-MCW-800123. The file provided is a 3D scan of an original piece and duplicated/mirrored so a left and right can be created. The printer I contracted with used an elastomer plastic that is very flexible and a bit soft which is required otherwise the piece won't seat and mold correctly. You can view the thread in detail here: 6genrailspacer3D.zip Submitter Calculon Submitted 05/07/20 Category Owners Manuals and other
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is a two part file for a hard to find part for the OEM luggage kit of a 6th Gen VFR. The official Honda part numbers are, 08L41-MCW-80012 and 08L41-MCW-800123. The file provided is a 3D scan of an original piece and duplicated/mirrored so a left and right can be created. The printer I contracted with used an elastomer plastic that is very flexible and a bit soft which is required otherwise the piece won't seat and mold correctly. You can view the thread in detail here: 6genrailspacer3D.zip
  16. Hey guys, just picked up a 2004 Vtec model in red with 55,000kms on it. Been riding a weapon of supermoto for the last 2 years and finally decided to get something a little more refined for longer rides. Since purchasing her, I've done all the usual mods as listed - Staintune Pipes - Delkovic Headers - Pair, snorkel and flapper mods - K&N High flow air filter - Techspec Snakeskin tank grips - Power commander 3 usb - Some nice sticky Pirelli Diablo 3s - Stedi HID headlights - Clear indicator lenses with switchback LED indicator globes - Fender eliminator The bike is running so nice and smooth now and boy does it sound good. Time to find a nice set of OEM colour matched panniers and put down some serious saddle time!
  17. This very low mileage tri colour 6th gen is for sale in Western Australia for $7990, looks in fantastic condition. Oh so tempting.
  18. Or, My New 2007 VFR800A! Of course I wanted a 25th R/W/B but this red (what color is it called?) was so clean with low miles I didn’t want to pass it up. All the 25th’s were thousands of miles away, however my new ride was less than a hundred miles to go pick up. Purchased from Omni Powersports in Palm, PA, nice people and easy to transact with. The title showed first titled in 2009, first owner logged about 400mi, then 2011 second owner 3000mi, then 2016 the last owner just about 1100mi. Now mine with 4500mi, all stock except a fender eliminator (Competition Werkes?) and new tires (Battlax BT023R). In just a few days I’ve put a few hundred miles on and basically left wondering Why didn’t I get one of these before!? I may be new to VFR’s, but not new to motorcycling and not new to sport riding, roadracing, mx, woods riding, et cetera. My last MC was (still have it, hey now it’s for sale!) a 2006 Suzuki SV650 cafe/street fighter/backroad twisty tool that I loved building and tweaking on but somehow lost interest in because it couldn’t do the long miles and left me sore from the clip ons and seating position. So here’s to a new start and a new forum, and maybe some touring, and definitely some tweaking. On to the pictures! A new Shoei RF1200 has replaced my old Suomy Spec1R in the pictures, and some new relaxed riding gear is on order to replace my two piece AStars leathers. I won’t bore you with the suspension set up (that was first), but I already have some things on order and plan to update here as I go. RAM mount, power supply, cruise control, are first things first.
  19. Hi all, I'm having trouble finding answer re. my linked brake issue and hope someone can help. I had the bike on the center stand and spun the rear wheel and found that the brake lever had no effect on it. I tried a second time and pulled the lever quite hard but still no effect on rear wheel. I spun it again and tried with the pedal and the wheel stopped. I haven't tried it with the front wheel. It's as if it has been converted to standard braking but I'm quite certain the previous owner wouldn't have done that. I haven't done anything to the brake system myself but I'm wondering if incorrect brake bleeding could cause this. Neither the lever or pedal feel spongy and the bike pulls up just fine. I'm quite new to the linked brake system so any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  20. Hello All, I've stumbled over a very low mileage 8th gen parts bike right when I’m rebuilding my 5th gen. Got me thinking what new stuff I can transfer off the later bike to my poor old 5th gen. I know someone has transplanted 6th gen throttlebodies onto a 5th gen (although the thread doesn’t specify any benefits in doing so). So is the 8th gen compatible? Are there any different sensors or mounting issues? The injectors alone would be a great upgrade (12 holes vs single hole on 5th gen = mpg gains and better atomisation). Also, most 5th gen parts are now well used whereas 6th and 8th gen parts are fresher. Rubber parts are the worst-hit. Prices tend to be the same. Are the rubber intake boots interchangeable between generations? I’m even tempted to have the 8th gen airbox to play with. Don’t want to spend money and find nothing fits. Thanks in advance for for your help. Stray
  21. If you're an owner, chime in if you voted for the one you have. I didn't forget all the friends in the UK, Australia, Canada and other countries - however I do not have data on colors that were available there and elsewhere and over what years, so they were not included. The Black / White was not sold in the US but seems to show up frequently so that was added. Cheers
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