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Conti Attack Rear Now Worn Out,some Thoughts And Questions.

Guest Deathstar13

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Guest Deathstar13

i have to be honest i dont recall what my milage was when i installed this rear tire,im guessing 17k and if thats correct i got 5500 miles and im now seeing steel threads.

i just put a conti attack on the front at 20500 miles and im now at 22500 and it looks new still.

one thing id mention was it only took 400 miles to hit the cords once the middle pattern was worn off,that suprised me and forced me to limp my bike home when i was planning on a long ride.its not bad as it sounds,but i can see metal none the less.

just so im not close minded,has anyone used the conti and preffered something else afterwards?

i really liked this tire but those cords seemed to come up fast,must be all those long rides ive been doing this summer.

btw ive went threw 3 fronts and this will be my 4th rear just this season.

i really would love to find something that lasted 10k miles and held its shape and was sticky all at the same time.

i really need to invest in that tire changer at harbor frieght everyone keeps pimping.

so far ive spent $175 in mounting and balancing this year.

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In the recent sport touring tire test of sporttouring tires, the conti showed to be the quickest wearing, so if you can get 5500 off a rear conti, you'll get alot more off a Z6 rear, the longest wearing tire of the test.

the tires in the test

Michelon pR'2's

Bridge 21

perilli strada

Met z6

conti road attacks

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just so im not close minded,has anyone used the conti and preffered something else afterwards?

Diablo Corsa III, hands down. Best tire I've had yet. Good luck with 10,000mi.

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Diablo Corsa III, hands down. Best tire I've had yet. Good luck with 10,000mi.

I think I got about 2800 miles out of the Corsa III rear. Great tire, but long life is not it's strong point.

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I have a little over 5500 miles on my set on Conti Road Attacks and the rear is pretty flat spotted due to commuting, but I think I can get another 500-1000 miles out of it. The front is wearing much better, although I will probably go with either 021's or the Road 2's once the rear is worn out.

First of all, there was initial confusion as to the direction markings on the front tire, which you can read in my post below. My tires were installed correctly per the directional arrows on the sidewall, and I didn't notice any handling issues with the tire pattern reversed, but within a 100 miles of having them mounted I started to notice a slight deacceleration headshake that I had never experienced when running the stock Bridgestone 020's or Pilot Powers. I've been told that decel headshake is common to the VFR, but I never ever felt any headshake with either the Bridgestone's or Michelin's...only after installing the Road Attacks. I had the front tire rebalanced and the dealer checked my steering head bearings (a little notch in the center but ok otherwise), and the rebalance helped but didn't eliminate the shake. It can get pretty bad too...if you take both hands off the bars when slowing down, a small shake can quickly turn into a full-on tankslapper. For that reason alone I won't buy these tires again... Anyway, my problem might be unique to my bike (always ride with a topcase), but I do think the Road Attacks have pretty good grip and seemed to be very predictable, and I liked how they communicated road grip to the rider.


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i went threw the front mounting direction issue myself if you look down a few threads.

ive never experianced any head shake out of mine either,but id bet your issue is tire related.

im still considering the PP 2CT as i do ride the twisties alot and feel i need the best sidewall grip i can get without going full on SS tires.

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i really would love to find something that lasted 10k miles and held its shape and was sticky all at the same time.

- Yeah wouldnt we all! - If you ever get a chance try some Dunlop Qualifiers. The rear will only go 3500 miles but it will be an eye opener in the twists. Major stick!

Damn dude - you put on some serious miles - I wish I had time to ride that much.


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i really would love to find something that lasted 10k miles and held its shape and was sticky all at the same time.

- Yeah wouldnt we all! - If you ever get a chance try some Dunlop Qualifiers. The rear will only go 3500 miles but it will be an eye opener in the twists. Major stick!

Damn dude - you put on some serious miles - I wish I had time to ride that much.


3500 would make me sooooo mad,well i dont know just how mad,but id be pretty mad smile.gif

yeh ive gotten over 18k in a year as i bought my bike last october.

bad part is the high maintanance and tire replacements,but id rather be on my bike than almost doing anything else.

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went in today and bought a bridgestone 021 as it was actually cheaper than the conti's

initial impression is it has a tad slower turn in but seems more stable once its there.

but hell i could be wrong as its hard to remember what the conti felt like excatly when it was new 5500 miles ago.

due to a price much lower that the stradas or pr2's i felt i couldnt go wrong with the 021.

anyone seen prices on the pilot road 2's?

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The Conti has got to be a long life tire than what I just had BattleAX BT014.

Just kinda wondering what kinda pressures were you running, and if I can

ask rider weight?

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i ran it at 41-42 psi always as im pretty religious about checking them.

im also fat,well not really im just tall 6'4" but i do weigh 250 and an easy 10lbs of gear and i never have a passenger.

i should state 5500 isnt bad but it should have been replaced at 4700 when i hit the wear bars,and i could see the metal cords when it was taken off today.

its just once it hit the wear bars it was like the thing melted it went away so fast after that.

i would have no issue buying another conti road attack,but for $8 cheaper im now trying a dual compound tire wich i feel may get me even more miles and stickier in the twisties and i would call that the perfect tire too me.well that is if it performs like everyone raves about.

ive seriously had my reservations of putting anything made by brickstone on one of my bikes as ive heard all the horror stories.

but i do trust my friends here and i feel i have nothing to loose and so far i like it alot.

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You run lots more pressure than I do. My old BT's I kept at 32 rear 30 front,

my weight can go +20 -20 per week due to Crohn's so our weight is close

when I am up. When I tried to run pressures like you ran the tires just felt

so hard. I'll stay tuned to see how you like your new shoes. I hope to scuff

my new Conti in this weekend. :rolleyes:

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Happy with Pilot Powers here. Pretty good mileage 4k or 5k from the rear, never a slip due to tires. :thumbsup:

Slippage on dirt or gravel maybe. Of course I don't push it like Valentino. :rolleyes:

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I love my Bridgestone BT-021s. I have over 5500 on mine and they are still trucking along. The rear is a dual compound. Lots of grip, i am very happy with them. Sport Tour LTD in Sharronville has good prices on tires and mounts and balances them for something like $13 each.

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if i was at the gap i would try running a few less psi,but ive never had issues with any tire breaking loose unless it was gravel or something on the road.

i would just call myself an intermediate twisty rider,im quik but im not pushing myself to the wall or being passed.

my big problem is i live in ohio and 45 minutes from the closest thing that could come close to being called curvy.

oddly enough i road 5 days this spring at the gap on shinko raven 009's and they didnt even slip,the turn-in was crap and so was wear but ive been working on being smooth with the throttle.

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I love my Bridgestone BT-021s. I have over 5500 on mine and they are still trucking along. The rear is a dual compound. Lots of grip, i am very happy with them. Sport Tour LTD in Sharronville has good prices on tires and mounts and balances them for something like $13 each.

pretty cheap,funny enough i think thats outsside of dayton wich isnt too much further than me driving to the north end of columbus too iron pony.

i paid $124 +2.50 disposal and $24 mount and balance.

what i like about them is they have every tire imaginable and cheap and so much in the store you have fun shopping while your tires are getting mounted.

anyhow ill look up that place you mentioned.

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I love my Bridgestone BT-021s. I have over 5500 on mine and they are still trucking along. The rear is a dual compound. Lots of grip, i am very happy with them. Sport Tour LTD in Sharronville has good prices on tires and mounts and balances them for something like $13 each.

pretty cheap,funny enough i think thats outsside of dayton wich isnt too much further than me driving to the north end of columbus too iron pony.

i paid $124 +2.50 disposal and $24 mount and balance.

what i like about them is they have every tire imaginable and cheap and so much in the store you have fun shopping while your tires are getting mounted.

anyhow ill look up that place you mentioned.

It's off of US 42 (exit 46) off of 275, between 71 and 75. they have the rear for $119. They are pretty much able to get anything, call if they don't have it, they order it and can usually have it in a day or two. You do have to take the wheel/wheels off of the bike, dunno if that is a problem for you or not.

Sport Tour

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I love my Bridgestone BT-021s. I have over 5500 on mine and they are still trucking along. The rear is a dual compound. Lots of grip, i am very happy with them. Sport Tour LTD in Sharronville has good prices on tires and mounts and balances them for something like $13 each.

pretty cheap,funny enough i think thats outsside of dayton wich isnt too much further than me driving to the north end of columbus too iron pony.

i paid $124 +2.50 disposal and $24 mount and balance.

what i like about them is they have every tire imaginable and cheap and so much in the store you have fun shopping while your tires are getting mounted.

anyhow ill look up that place you mentioned.

It's off of US 42 (exit 46) off of 275, between 71 and 75. they have the rear for $119. They are pretty much able to get anything, call if they don't have it, they order it and can usually have it in a day or two. You do have to take the wheel/wheels off of the bike, dunno if that is a problem for you or not.

Sport Tour

good prices! and im well versed on doing all my wheel pulls on businesses front sidewalks,i just have to borrow a milk crate when i do the front.

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I just had my worn rear Conti Road Attack replaced. I bought a new set of these last spring, had the front mounted first, then the rear about 500 mi. later. The front still has some tread left on it, but just a couple days ago I noticed a headshake on (no hands) decelerations (using engine braking) that wasn't there before. It could be b/c of the very flatspotted/worn rear tire, or it could be slightly uneven wear on the front, tho it still appears to have a better rounded tread profile than the old rear did. I check my tire pressures regularly and have kept the Contis at 40 to 42 psi each, as recommended by Conti.

I'm glad I went ahead and got the new rear tire and had it mounted today. My old one had a bad flat tread from too many straight miles. I'm sure I would have been seeing cords very soon, like Deathstar did.

I loved the Road Attacks, and thought before that I would probably go thru a couple sets of these before moving on to a different tire. I got over 7k mi. out of the rear, and probably have at least another 1k mi. left on the front (barring me replacing it sooner if the headshake problem stays or gets worse).

Tho the Road Attacks were great, next year I'm going to try something else, probably Avon Storms. But I like having matching tires, so in order to go thru the remaining tread on my front and have the rear wear out about the same time, I bought a new Conti Sport Attack rear. I figure it'll wear much faster than the Road Attack, with the added benefit of the softer compound warming up faster during the fall and winter months ahead. By next spring I should be ready for a new set of tires.

Like I said, I loved the Road Attacks and have recommended them often. I'm not the fastest guy around, but I have leaned the bike over pretty far with these tires and never felt them slip, 'til just recently I felt the front slip just a bit once. Scary moment but luckily I didn't freak out.

I never liked the Bridgestone OEM tires on the two used bikes I bought that had the original tires still on them, but I've heard the new 021s are much better tires.

BTW, I bought the new rear Sport Attack on eBay for $125 w/free shipping. Also, I had the same issue with the front Road Attack tread direction described above. Per Conti's website, I went with the sidewall directional arrows and never had a problem.

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