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CornerCarver last won the day on September 29 2019

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About CornerCarver

  • Birthday 09/17/1963

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  • Location
    Maryville, TN
  • In My Garage:
    13 V4 Hondas, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Gen, '13 Tundra, 1999 Dinan Stage III M3, 1997 M3 Sedan

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  1. Conti Road Attack 3....grip like a sport tire, wear like a touring tire. If you have a 5.5” rear try a 170 and be amazed at the feeling, it is as though your VFR lost 100 lbs in weight.
  2. Because the surface abrasiveness varies so greatly from area to area, can you share how many miles you get from other known tires so we can compare the PR5 with something we know from our area?
  3. hey Kevin, long time no talk, hope your still active on the forum, I found an old post stating you had an 848 front you were trying to mount. I HAVE THE 848 REAR AND F4I front, I WOULD LIKE TO FIND AN 848 front or similar lightweight option. Were you and to fit the 848 front? Im using a VTR forks w/ f4i calipers but can make something fit if close.

    I can't find an f4i aftermarket alloy or carbon wheel front available.


    Hope you and family are well


  4. Tried to help you out with some fab info but the 5th gen bikes we can access right now have 6th gen cushions on them for updated rear sets....still looking.
  5. Good to see the art of compromise is not lost on your marriage either.
  6. So glad to have you back! You were missed and we have some catching up to do when you get down (strike that now) up to the Eastern TN area ping me.
  7. I am not aware of anyone mounting 6G pipes on an 8G bike, though I have seen many 5G high mounts (Staintune and others) mounted on the 8G. I dont think the undertail on the 8G would support the weight of hanging the 6G exhaust from it.
  8. Wow, just dropped in to catch up between flights and you guys have been very busy. The clever bung fitting references and not being a pain in Wades butt are only exceeded by the work actually accomplished. I can hardly wait, hope to get one installed before the Spring Memorial ride.
  9. Wow, thank you guys for bringing this to fruition! It seemed to be the old 80/10 rule, where the last 10% never gets done - until now. i will need five sets. 1. 5th gen with PC2 and Wolf exhaust, can upgrade the fuel management with the new O2 bungs and would probably forward my midpipe to be expanded for fit by Wade. 2. 5th gen engine in 6th gen chassis with 2007 body (35th anniversary edition with 8th gen front forks and swinger) PCV with Staintune 6th gen exhaust. 3. 6th gen with Torocharger, will need 8th gen front downpipes to add additional 8th gen lower rad for engine temp control, Rapid Bike fuel management and Staintune for 6g 4. 5th gen track bike in 6g chassis - will need 8th gen front downpipes for removal of all sidemount rads for track day exploration of the envelope. Rapid bike and some can TBD...toying with paring front and rears only to run under tail exit for rear and under mount exit for front cylinders ala RC211V 5. 6th gen with rapid bike controller and stock exhaust. Let me know how to forward the deposit. Shaping up up to the a great ‘19 !!!! Keith
  10. I know this is a dormant thread but it is the closest I could find to my question. I am building a track bike and looking at track bike displays, can anyone confirm that the 8th gen is canbus compatible? I am thinking to start with an 8g harness and clip away what I don't need to wire in either http://www.xtracing.com/en/gpxzed/index.php or http://aimsports.com/en/products/solo2-solo2dl/index.htm and thinking that the Solo 2 would be better if connecting via canbus.
  11. Hi CornerCarver, Thank you for your donation of 100.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks VFRDiscussion
  12. The Carver Clan just pullover into Casa de Carver and unloaded the bikes from the trailer, 21 hours after we left yesterday. Pics to follow.
  13. Very interested in your VFR1200, can you send me more detailed pics?





    1. CornerCarver


      Sorry, driving all night - tired...thought I was sending a PM.

  14. The Sweeper/Carver clan just5 crossed into South Dakota on I90...we are about 6 hours out and Randy is driving this tank of petrol. Fuel sto in less than 15 miles and it will be my turn. See you lot late tonight in Custer.
  15. OK, how does that saying go? "better never than late..." I am packing up the tow rig on Saturday with 3-4 VFRs and 3 VFRD'ers and heading towards Custer. As I read through this thread I see that I have missed several pacing items that required a response. I will reach out to Tony when we arrive to see if there may be a spare beer or some such convenience. Reserved my room on page one of this or the other thread but never confirmed. Not used to such a thorough process. Looking forward to riding this area on a VFR instead of the F6B I went through there on my way home from Alaska on last year. Not sure if I will be bringing my bespoke 5th gen that fits like my favorite pair of jeans or the ToroCharged 6th gen which still needs some fuel injection tuning, an exhaust and to have Traxxion work their magic. See you guys in a week.
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