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Bent last won the day on August 24 2020

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About Bent

  • Birthday 09/30/2010

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    The South
  • In My Garage:
    2014 Red Interceptor; 2006 VFR--deceased; 1999 VFR--sold; LeMond Buenos Aires, Trek Domane, etc..

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  1. It's two and a half years later, on Christmas day in fact, since my last post here. Thought I would cruise on over to VFRD and take a look at what's going on. I didn't go to "The Dark Side" (see my post below), I am completely out of the bike business. In April of next year (2024) I am scheduled for back surgery at Cleveland Clinic to hopefully get at least part of a truly messed up back fixed. I'm dreading the surgery but hoping it will do some good. I have learned more than I want to know about the spine. One of those things being that most spine doctors aren't qualified, hence, a trip to Cleveland Clinic, allegedly the best. If your back isn't a mess, be thankful. Motorcycles don't help back health. That's what got me out of motorcycles. In January, I go to get yet another double epidural in my back (four shots with very long needles). Not as bad as it sounds, for temporary relief. In this time since last posting, I think I may have seen one VFR on the roads. They seem to have faded away. In fact, I don't see many of any kind of motorcycle on the roads compared to the 2000...single digit years. Times may have changed and people sure have with me being one of them. This back issue has been life changing. I clearly remember the old gang back in the "glory years" of renting the Franklin Motel and running the roads in Western NC, putting around 400 miles on the bike in a day in the twisties. Those days have come and gone for me. The wife and I still drive on over there now and then just to escape the home place. The Dragon doesn't have the same demographic on it as it once did. Fewer sport bikes everytime we go. A lot of people haven't slain The Dragon but did get slain themselves. It doesn't attract me any longer probably due to enough miles on it. Just checking in and wondering who is left on this forum. No doubt some new members and I'll surf around and see if who from the old gang is still here. Merry Christmas 2023....Bent
  2. Roadsmarts will be my next tire. Dunlop seems to be less costly than my fav. Angel GT's that I can never find discounted. They sure do wear great though.
  3. Angel GT's. They're expensive but last a long time and the edges, after yesterday, gripped superbly. Got a Cycle Gear flyer in the mail this weekend with rear Bridgestone T30's for $99 and I'll pass on them. Bridgestones beat me up too badly. Hard sidewalls. Never will one be on my wheels again.
  4. I use OEM oil filters, Honda uses them, they are easy to find, including, non Honda service and repair shops and I know what I am getting. Once again, the only serious issue I've ever heard of was from many K&N oil filters that have very suddenly "dumped" oil all over the road that the rear tire rolls right over with potential catastrophic results for the rider. If not catastrophic results, then wherever it happens, there you are. The sudden dumping is due to the faulty welded nut on the end of the filter. VFRWORLD has good pictures of it with results on the road. Seeing is believing.
  5. If you haven't read about the many near death experiences caused directly from K&N filters, you need to look it up. Not kidding on that. Hell with the oil issue. I have yet to hear of an oil related engine failure in over 20 years of reading VFR forums. Just use oil in them and change it when you feel like it. DO NOT use K&N filters. Look it up.
  6. Apparently, I am lucky on the EO. It sure makes a power difference in the 8th gen., just as it did on my 5th and 6th gens., when I had them. Ethanol is a scam in many ways. It isn't saving any whales and it takes more BTU's of energy to make a gallon of it than there are BTU's in the gallon. Government helping us out again.......
  7. Apparently, I am lucky on the EO. It sure makes a power difference in the 8th gen., just as it did on my 5th and 6th gens., when I had them. Ethanol is a scam in many ways. It isn't saving any whales and it takes more BTU's of energy to make a gallon of it than there are BTU's in the gallon. Government helping us out again.......
  8. Apparently, I am lucky on the EO. It sure makes a power difference in the 8th gen., just as it did on my 5th and 6th gens., when I had them. Ethanol is a scam in many ways. It isn't saving any whales and it takes more BTU's of energy to make a gallon of it than there are BTU's in the gallon. Government helping us out again.......
  9. Rode is after several weeks of just sitting. It ran good but it was a little cold so it was a quick ride. Machinery isn't meant to sit idle. Letting that happen bugs me. Put some fresh gas in it. Non-ethanol gas. If you haven't tried it, get some 87 octane E0 and see how much different it runs.
  10. Anyone ever heard of an oil filter causing a problem besides K&N? I just use OEM's and forget about it. I hope everyone knows not to use a K&N oil filter due to the nut on the end having weld failures and spreading oil under the rear wheel while underway. That could be deadly. Just say no on K&N oil filters.
  11. I know how you do it. No criticism meant. I have slowed down condiserably though.
  12. That's still very good mileage. Don't know how people get over 3K on any kind of rear tire.
  13. Rubbed it down with Honda Cleaner/Polish and let it dry. Nobody has come along to wipe it off so I guess I'll have to do it.....
  14. Just got back from 4 days to and from The Great Smoky Mountains riding some of the most technical curves in the country while there. Total: 962 curvy miles the entire way from my driveway. The 8th gen. took almost all of it at high throttle and heavy engine braking with no ill results. Tough bike in the garage. Rode The Dragon too much. It's a dangerous place to be on...don't advise riding it any more. Too many incompetent Hog riders. It is what it is.
  15. Bled the clutch and brake fluid. First time for that job for me. Don't need the Motion Pro bleeder I bought. It just gets in the way. The new fluid does make a very distinct difference. Much crisper braking and shifting. Brake fluid looked so so but the clutch fluid was very dirty with crap in the reservoir. Moral to the story: change your fluid on time.
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