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Preferred non-google navigation app


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I need a break from google maps navigation, app aggravate me constantly. I was to lazy to act but now I am ready to try something else. 

Happens so my wife use the “other” app, I am ready to load it then learn it is damn google owned....

I wonder what you guys use and recommend, I hear navimii is good for motocycling?

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I use Waze in my car, it tells me most the time where the Police is hiding on the Highways. I am not sure how helpful this feature will be helpful for a bike on back roads.

IMO this is the best navigation app since has pretty much live user interface where it notifies you about traffic conditions, cops, pot holes and stuff on the road.


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I don't like Waze that much, but it does the job (and it's free).  I often use it just to show me the speed (and limit) in real-ish time.





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I run Waze anytime I'm on the interstate. I find the crowd input on road conditions really useful.

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I've heard people talk about Tyre, but have never used it.  I'm not sure what type of device it's compatible with.  At least it was developed by a motorcyclist so that may add some merit.  The link also mentions "MyRoute" but I have no experience with that, either and also am unsure how current the info in the link is.  YMMV



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I use Waze if I'm in a hurry and don't mind being routed down alleys or to turn left across the busiest street in Chicago. It's good for cops/speed cam alerts.

For cycle navigating I use Ride with GPS. It's a bicycling app but very conducive to moto. I also use Osmand to follow gpx routes and Kurvigor to find twisties.

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