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One Week In...


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Hi everybody, the name's Matt and I'm from the South West of England.

As the title suggests, I have owned a red 2002 VTEC model for one week now! I had been thinking of changing my daily transport as I recently moved a couple of miles further away from work, and the KTM Duke 125 wasn't quite cutting it on the short section of dual carriageway (after so long, full throttle for most of the 5 miles gets boring). Yes, I know it isn't the longest of commutes either! The second factor is that the gate into my garden is only 740 mm wide and the KTM is over 800 mm including mirrors which do not fold in...

I'm sure many of you know that if you fold the mirrors in, the VFR is 735 mm wide... Perfect!

I wasn't going to get anything over 400-500cc, but then something caught my eye. Red body, black wheels, exotic engine and oh how I've always longed for a single sided swingarm! *drool*

Deposit down, test ride booked the following Saturday, the week couldn't pass fast enough. After a few hours of riding, and haggling to get more trade-in value for the Duke, I left to sleep on the decision and do a little more research. After riding home again on 15 bhp, I didn't really need to sleep on it and I called up as soon as I could to confirm the purchase!

Anyway, I have used a motorcycle to get to work most days over the last 5 years so the VFR will be my daily commuter, 10 miles per day, 5 days per week with the occasional longer ride over to Wales or the the South with friends (now I can keep up with them )

Am thoughly enjoying the ride and it's like nothing I've ever risen before. This is my 4th bike, with two being 125s and the other big bike being an Aprilia Pegaso 650.

Pics to show it did happen...



I plan for a few minor mods and will probably have a few technical questions, but so far the rest of the forums have helped loads in the initial decision and given me a great insight into the great times I'll have with this bike in the future!


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I had an 03 until may this year when a cager took me out. Just replaced it with a '14 this week. Your 02 looks even better than my very well cared for 03. Main difference being my peg feelers were ground to nubs long ago ;)

You will love that bike, take care of it and it will serve you well.

The 6th gen bikes are awesome. Congratulations on your new ride.

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In all the docs passed over in the sale there is one letter to a previous owner stating a recall for 'Oil cooler pipe oil leak'. This work has been done, but there's no evidence of any other recall work on this bike. I will investigate and ensure it's had any required work done.

It does look like its been looked after well. Unfortunately I ride all year round in any weather, so it might not look this good after another 10 years!

P.s. My first bike, a Honda CLR125 CityFly was wrecked by being hit by a car. Always wanted to return to a Honda since then

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