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No Plate Holder On My 95 750F



Hello everyone, thanks in advanced with the help.

I have recently bought my first big boy bike (95 vfr750f) and the last owner seems to have chopped off the stock plate holder/mud flap all the up to the base of the seat/tailight

after some searching I have found very little on mounting a new holder anywhere that is not a kit of some kind.

Any insight as to something I can rig/buy to make a new holder would be appreciated.

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Hello Gojira,

Welcome to VFRD!

You will have to fabricate something, but donot despair. IF I (am an accountant..) can make a bracket for the Vtec's pannier pipework, you should be able to make a licence plate bracket.... :goofy:

Remove the saddle and look towards the rear; the inner black plastic mudguard is attached to the subframe via 2 bolts. This is where you can affix bits of metal for your plate holder on the inside.

Here you see the L shaped (yeah A BIT TOO BEEFY) I fitted on the inside with the 6th gen oem pannier bracket (chopped to size)



I used a bit of cardboard cut to size to get the dimensions right. Then got my metalworker buddy to make the part.

To reduce "flapping" affix a L shaped piece on the outside en dril a bolt right down where it picks up the piece fitted to the inside.


Now, post up in the welcome section, WITH a picture of your bike. Because w/o it.... you donot exits :goofy:

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Unfortunately, the PO did not do a proper fenderectomy on the bike, He/she went too far and just lopped off all of the fender and not leave anything to mount the license plate on like I did with mine. I got rid of the US DOT license plate light fixture by Dremlling a rectangual hole under the tail light bezel, where there is a hole on the bottom of the tail fairing that matches it. Got some prysmatic light fixture plastic lens material from Tap Plastics and cut that to fit the rectangular hole and glue/sealed it on the tail light bezel with some clear silicone glue. The result is a very clean tail end on my bike, and the ugly license plate light is gone forever!

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Oh yeah, you Murricans have this licenceplate thingie on the rear fender!!!

"Our" model have a taillight unit that shines down as well


Here is Doug's old unit (he went to a SP tail unit), one as cooks say "he prepared earlier".. :cool:


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  • Member Contributer

you already said he chopped it all off.... you never saw the plate on it ?

remove your seat . look for holes drilled.

you can buy 2 small L brackets, bolts and nuts at the home depot for less than 3 bucks.

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ebay has a stock one for $40....its been posted for a long time, I bet if you shot him an offer he'd take it.....


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The PO lopped it off pretty short on mine, too. I drilled a couple of holes & attached the plate with 2 zip ties~

Lighting is provided by a tiny LED strip courtesy of www.superbrightleds.com

See above thread link.

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