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Everything posted by LangoPTC

  1. Another satisfied customer! Thanks mello dude. It's nice being able to smoothly roll on and maintain throttle at low rpm when the engine is cold. No more decel popping either! I'm wondering if anyone has ever successfully removed the reed valve screws with just a screwdriver? Not me. I was able to remove them by clamping vise grips on the head of the screws and unscrewing...
  2. Have them on a 2007. Looks exactly like yours.
  3. Just wanted to say thanks to Trace for this write up. Seven and a half years later you are still saving VFR owners (me) money. Thanks!
  4. A big THANKS to Mr. Boneman for this excellent write up! THANK YOU SIR!!! I wanted the R&G frame sliders on the bike but wasn't really looking forward to cutting holes in the fairings but the anxiety level decreases significantly once you drill that first hole and there is no turning back. I was able to dremel with the farings on the bike but you do have to be careful with the right side faring as there is a hose fairly close to where you have to dremel. Also, it makes things much easier if you have an assistant for pulling back and pushing in the rod during the dremeling process. As a dremel novice my advice is to use a tungsten carbide bit (99XX bit number) and keep the dremel speed at 5000 rpm and take your time.
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