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Decelaration Fart After Elec Work


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I just installed a relay and fuse block. Connected my volt meter and new heated grips to it. Added a powerlet port directly to battery. While testing things and tidying up I (dumbass) left the key on. Then installing the Givi Wingrack ran into problems. Had to rethread things and generally add an extra hour to the job. THEN went to start the bike. Found key on and battery flat. SO..got to try the new powerlet and let the battery charge overnight. It's mostly charged this morning. Rode to work in about 30F temp. On long decelerations I get a single fart through the exhaust. Kind of a half assed backfire. NEVER got that before.

I was kinda thinking it could be the computer relearning the fuel delivery. Remember the battery was dead flat. reset trip odometer and clock. Otherwise bike runs flawless. Pipe is stock.

Any thoughts?

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I don't think there is any kind of learning that goes on with our ECMs.

My guess is that the issue is more related to the cold temps and the bike running a bit rich.

Good job getting out at 30 deg!

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Pair valves removed with blocking plates. Actually I didnt know this till yesterday.

Ya it was a bit chilly this morning but the heated grips did the job and the 1 piece monkey suit did as well. These decel farts bother me though. Never a hint of that before and have ridden in colder temps.


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Well what declaration would be complete without a fart??

"I now pronounce you man and Wife..." comes to mind.

No, farts are for funerals.

Opened thing up a bit and found a hose pulled off the head where I was pulling wires through. No clue what it's for but at least I found something amiss. Time will tell. Should be riding to work tomorrow.

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