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Everything posted by Rivcyko

  1. Rivcyko

    2006 VFRD Meet

    Twice in a month. Good boy!!!!!
  2. Rivcyko

    Mighty Leader.JPG

    That IS a great pic.
  3. Paying it fwd. You pay shipping, I'll send you one. K?
  4. Cool. Now paint it silver. LOL. NICE work!
  5. Rod. Cool welcome. New to paint, myself. I posted these, to save them on the scan fee. LOL. Post pics of that bike, son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Please forgive, LOWER LEFT- most. Shouldn't there be a green wire on both sides? Thanks, Steve The recall schematic shows one of the grounds no longer routed into the blue connector, that spot is empty. Perhaps, (Not like the schematics, have ever been wrong). BUT,...I see a green wire in the pic.
  7. What, color blind? LOL. Just follow the green wire. Lower right- most wire. (from your pic). That's the one you want.
  8. Rivcyko

    Pete on the VFR.jpg

    Dale on Larry's bike? LOL.
  9. HI! Where you been? LOL.

  10. Rivcyko


    I can do that. (in my mind). LOL.
  11. Fitt'n right in, here. Glad to have you.

  12. No. It is what it is. Any further down, and one would prolly just paint the stocker. I like how it flows, on MY bike.
  13. Now,.............testing to see if it catches fire. LOL. I have got to detail her. Still to cold to wash. "Ride while you can, mentality". LOL.
  14. Thanks, Will. Round 2 FAIL. LOL. 3rd one is the charm. Next pic, will be a finshed one. LOL.
  15. Non Abs only. D-oh!!!!! Cool deal-i-o.
  16. Thurn used to make them. Really not a big seller. The problem with that is: following the angle of the exhaust would cover the plate, too much. Making it triangular, would negate coverage. Keep in mind, my cans are 2.187" SHORTER than stock. Tail lens coverage. After doing the elimination, I found rocks, dirt, etc., beat the snot out of the $850.00 lens assembly. Final product will be R-157.
  17. Wow. I just noticed, you botched one MAJOR thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You forgot to have your logo, silk screened, to the top front, of the airbox. Bastid. Shame on you. :cool: :fing02:
  18. You old, wooden-shoe, wearing bastage. LOL. Happy birthday, sir!!!!!!!

  19. FAIL. The part is trash. Re-do. It is too thin, and has twisted. Poop.
  20. Blah, blah, blah,.....just to join in, you flat black bastage! LOL.

  21. Just sharing. With things the way they are, right now, I'm projecting this to NOT be a production item. There's a ways to go, yet. Lots of testing, not to mention configuration issues. This is the beginnings of a plug. The Garbage can mud-flap fell short, as the plastic is not viable enough for my particular application. I'll update. The finished, will be red.
  22. Nice. Not to rain on your parade, but you did a gut, the hard way.
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