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jeremyr62 last won the day on January 22 2019

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  • In My Garage:
    2011 VFR1200 DCT
    2022 NC750X DCT
    2016 GSXR1000AL6

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  1. The DCT is first gen so a bit agricultural but it works and if you wear earplugs, not too intrusive. It only has two settings, D and S, compared to later DCT bikes which have at least 4 modes. S mode is very sporty indeed. I find you have to be careful at low speed, low throttle openings as it can be a bit herky jerky when maneuvering. I actually like the DCT, it's the VFR I don't like much. The tanks too small and the handling isn't as good as other similar bikes I've owned (Blackird FJR). Just my opinion, others will disagree of course. I get mid forties mpg. If I ride like a granny I can break into the fifties and it improves in the summer too. They are fantastic value as they are unpopular bikes.
  2. I question the value of removing the ECU restrictions by flashing on the DCT bikes. If you ride in auto, the DCT controls the gear changes so the benefit is very limited IME. If you ride in manual mode maybe it's worth it. If you do flash the bike you can't program new HISS compatible keys either. The 2012 bikes got traction control and this changed the restrictions. The detailed dyno info is out there if you search for it. The DCT bikes don't seem to suffer from the 6th gear issue. The number of DCT issues in early or later bikes is very small afaik. (I own a 2011 DCT bike. Not a fan but can't argue with the value.)
  3. That's just plain dishonest by the seller though. I assume you must have got it cheapish. There are second hand engines on Ebay (which may or may not have the same problem).
  4. I find mine feels planted at very high speed but at low speed it's not great. I have had two and they were the same so it just seems to be a characteristic of the bike. No doubt in mind this is one of the reasons it failed so badly. I have a Nitron R2 on the back and it hasn't made as much of a difference as I had hoped.
  5. I would definitely try pumping up your tyres first. I find 40psi (2.8 Bar) front and 42psi (2.9 Bar) rear makes my VFR1200 handle a lot better.
  6. I have Daytonas on my GSXR1000 and they have been fine. I got them just before they upgraded them with the auto off function so I run them through a Healtech Thunderbox to make sure I don't drain my battery. The Daytonas have been good and they get hot enough. My VFR1200F came with the OE heated grips (red LED). These have 3 settings and these too get hot enough. I also fitted the OE heated grips to my NC750S. These had 5 settings (green LED) and they integrated with a symbol on the LCD dash which was good. However, their performance was not great and they just did not get hot enough. I now have a new to me 2022 NC750X and I won't be fitting the OE grips. I'll go aftermarket, probably Oxfords this time.
  7. I can't understand why you would even want to do that. Modern aftermarket grips are miles better than the Honda grips IMO. Daytona, Oxfords, Koso all have inbuilt auto power off technology so can be connected directly to the battery, and have a low profile inbuilt button so no large ugly controller anymore. However, to each their own..
  8. Are you getting the MIL flashing any DTC codes? I'd have thought such an obvious fault would be triggering something. The flashing ABS light is a symptom of a weak battery btw.
  9. Turning the pavement into a (noisy) garage. you must have very understanding neighbours.
  10. It is going to be a minter at this rate. I hope you are keeping a count of the hours.
  11. Four bikes and not even a shed to keep any of them in. Addicted you are.
  12. Well done those men. I hope I can still keep it up at 82. (Riding I mean).
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