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Blog Comments posted by TimC

  1. Wow.  Sorry for all the bad news, but of course the most important thing is your family is okay.  Bikes and even houses come and go, but I'm glad your VFR survived both the fire and that idiot tow truck driver.  Why on earth would a guy to treat someone else's prized possession like that?!


    Anyway, good luck with the house rebuild, and I hope you find some time to ride this year!  👍

    • Thanks 1
  2. The weather here in NE Ohio is starting to really turn.  I rode to Cleveland and back the last couple nights, and Monday the temp as I got home dipped down to 40.  We'll still have a few decent days in the 50s where I can get a good ride in, if I'm free one of those days.  I'm hoping to get at least one more long day in, but if I don't it's still been a good riding season!


    • Like 1
  3. Great tips above.


    I would add that in doing research on any particular bike and its potential issues/what to watch out for, you should make a list of bikes of similar vintage, condition, and mileage for sale (or recently sold) - ideally in your area or region - and the final sale price if you have a good idea what is was.  You'll likely know when someone is obviously asking for an incredibly high or low price, so approach the offer or sale accordingly.  Cycle Trader, Craigslist, and eBay are decent tools, as are model-specific internet forums (like VFRD) that have classified sections with bikes for sale by owners (like VFRD).  Like Zupatun said though, don't be a dick about haggling.  If someone wants an insane amount for their used bike, you might say you've done some research and $x,xxx is more realistic, and you're willing to offer $x,xxx.  It's good to have too much information than too little to make sure you don't get ripped off.


    Also, sellers should be aware most minor mods are not going to net big increases in resale value.  A full set of after-market pipes might increase the bike's value, but a set of chrome-plated car ends, not so much.  You can take these things into account as a buyer, but again you should be educated enough to know when you should consider a higher offer or sale price according to the whole bike, not some individual farkle.  BTW, I'd also watch out for unwanted mods that might say more about the owner and how the bike was ridden or even abused.


    Asking why the seller is selling the bike can be a good idea.  It might help clue you in a bit about how motivated the seller is, and could influence your offer and the final sale price.  (But again, don't be a dork!)


    One more thing:  When I bought my VFR (which was listed in Cycle Trader), I met the seller at his home.  The bike was pristine with low miles.   And the seller's other vehicles were a great indication the bike had been treated properly.  His car, IIRC, was a spotless VW GTI and his wife's was a new or newer Honda Accord, also in excellent condition.  The more you can tell about a seller, the more confidence you'll have about the item for sale.

  4. $197 for a parking ticket?! That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard! Why on earth is it so expensive?Unless they wrote you up for illegally parking in a handicapped spot I can't understand such a high cost.BTW, where do you live, so just in case I'm ever there I know to either park perfectly legally, or just continue thru town without stopping!

  5. Nice blog entry.

    Of course to us it's wrong to sit on someone else's bike without first asking and receiving permission, but some people (mostly non-riders) just don't know any better. Nice job keeping cool when it happened.

    If the future, you could carry a bike cover with you - one that has grommets at the bottom so you can lock it in place.

  6. Welcome back, Martina!

    I think we all have moments when a little self-doubt creeps in and makes us second-guess ourselves, our skills, or even riding at all. I don't have many of those moments, thank God, but they do happen. Glad to hear you have overcome them!

  7. I like visiting dealerships, but just to look around. Unless I have a specific question I don't even bother with the salespeople. I just tell them I'm looking around. I like checking out new bikes even tho I have no intention of buying another bike anytime soon. It's just a twisted passion I'm sure I share with lots of other riders.

    Haven't dealt w/parts counter punks yet, but I know the type. What amazes me is how many kinds of jackets, gloves, helmets, or other general accessories some shops carry in stock, but they only have 2 freaking tank bags to choose from?!? That's ridiculous. No wonder most of us buy everything online. Esp. when the e-tailers offer free same-day shipping. No sales tax, no wasted time, no attitude...just can't beat it.

  8. Enjoyed your blog entry, HS.

    There aren't too many good twisty roads around where I live, and the ones we do have are too short, just a mile or two at most. I usually hit those roads at least once per week, and usually do 2 or 3 passes each day I ride those roads.

    Last night was a prime example: Have a new favorite road that goes a couple miles or so, smooth, no stop signs, few cages, no cops (so far). Sometimes double the "caution 20 mph curve" warning signs, and have hit 100 on the one long flat stretch (tho not at night). I did 5 passes on that road last night, bugs and all. Like you w/Bishops Castle, once I find a good fun road I'll keep going back to it.

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