Today was a glorious day. Yesterday was a fresh oil and filter change so nothing would be in the way of my first two wheel therapy ride. Sunny in the mid 70's F. Little to no wind. Even the traffic was light. It was time to ride. A quick stop at the gas station and I was off. East on I40 got the bike warmed up nicely by the time I hit the Tijeras exit for a S14 run to clear out the cobwebs in my mind and body.
My focus was on riding smooth, not fast. Of course, by the time
It's been a while since I have been here. A lot has changed. This forum, my life. I figured I would drop back in now that things have settled down for a bit and catch you up on my VFR's recent life experiences (you thought this was going to be about me? 😄).
I hadn't been riding much as I made a move to a new department at my work and finally got into something I loved doing (IT)! My poor VFR sat in the garage after I spent the summer getting a lot of maintenance done. New chain
It had been a while since I had taken my hard working girlfriend (Jenni) for a ride on the VFR. Summer had rolled in and with it the overwhelming heat that makes you feel as if you had walked into a baking oven. I needed a place that was away from Albuquerque (but not too far as this was only a day trip) and had some water to play in and cool off with. What better place than the Jemez Valley located a mere 1.5 hours northwest of here? Contained within was a variety of natural marvels includi