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fink last won the day on December 16 2020

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  1. The correct oil for your bike is 10W 30 NOT 40. Im struggling to understand why. What have you ridden previously, You should also be able to go up the box with out even using the clutch.
  2. Save you money and go for 5s spend what you have saved on fuel and enjoying yourself. Gt are NOT needed.
  3. Gives me a chance to decompress heading home after work. Yes, when your out for the day on roads you love that are traffic free, everything just seems so effortless, flowing from one bend to another.
  4. To hold stuff onto the rear pillion seat. See p46 of the owners manual
  5. Find a straight and do a few clutchless upchanges. They are actually easier on the box than clutched.
  6. I would be changing the clutch fluid. On another note do you clutch up or just roll off and clutchless change? If you do both does it feel clicky on each? Where is most of your riding done open road or town/city?
  7. Nice write up unfortunatly, 8th gen doesnt have the cbs system and is a different set up.
  8. Take it out for a long run so the engine can heat up properly and burn off the condensation.
  9. Becaust the good ole USA got a model without a centrestand, and no doubt Honda would have to deal with a resulting liabile case. Thats the only reason I can think of.
  10. I'm a bit closer to the West coast, out on the Ardnamurchan peninsula nr Fort William. There was one other but he has sold his now. Enjoy your new steed.🏍️
  11. Well done on your new purchase. Make sure you get the stuff Grum listed. Whereabouts on the West Coast are you?
  12. Replaced a set of worn out Pirelli Angel GT (1950 miles, Yes 1950) with a set of pilot powers that I got at a very reasonable price . Bedded them in today. Not having used sports tyres in over a decade last set being Bt016, I quite like them but no doubt will kill them off in no time.
  13. Fitted a new battery Motobatt as the original from 2014 was on its way out. Pirelli angel gt fitted tomorrow if its a good day.
  14. Wish my front cover looked like that. Despite a fender extender the British winters have taken its toll.
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