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Everything posted by KanadianKen

  1. KanadianKen

    The Flaf in Clagary

    what a bunch of good ole CAnadian Bastages!!! Hey what was the race that you were at July 4?
  2. Fixer - you and your son are brothers? huh???? :P I think you mean your offspring versus sibling right? :lol:
  3. I've used the previous 3 methods - but this one ULEWZ, scares me a lttle. I'm not too crazy about becoming the punching tool of some pissed cager that doesn't like me slowing him down so my group can pass. I'd use this one as a last resort. I'd also never do that in the States - you guys have the right to shoot at moving targets don't ya? :D
  4. That Flaf has been a great mediator for meeting new people - keep it going folks!!
  5. HEre's the brackets before being drilled for the top plate: border='0' alt='user posted image' /> border='0' alt='user posted image' /> I"m getting some new taller brackets made - will post those pictures after I get em installed.........
  6. Here you go........ border='0' alt='user posted image' /> border='0' alt='user posted image' /> Hope that helps you....
  7. SO how did you get the bike into this issue? WOnder if my gutted exhausts would get me a two page spread as well???????? :P
  8. Just got my April 06 Cycle Canada mag, and right near the end of the magazine is a two page layout of the infamous Frankenviffer of Safe-T. Bike looks great - thought I'd post the article for those that don't get this magazine. How does this bike handle with all those fancy mods? Looks really nice - but I hope you ride it !! Congrats on the article. border='0' alt='user posted image' />' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
  9. hcope 1 - sorry for the delay - i hadn't checked in on this thread...... I do not know the part number, but if you go to the GIVI website, the topplate is part of the FZ166 kit for topcases for the 2002 VFR. hope that helps you..... :beer:
  10. I have made a new set of templates and am attempting to make a higher set of brackets - to clear the seat for removal purposes. Stay tuned for the results.... should be a day or two before I have them completed and installed.
  11. Enzed - FIxer applied to be a Canadian once, but he really sucked at hockey, and can't hold his beer or rotgut that well, so we refused him. He's a Murkn still, but we like him for trying!!! :goofy:
  12. YEah - and I even have to carry CBAR's sheep - I had to make a convertible top for the topbox. He loves his sheep and I hear that some of the riders from New Zealand are also quite fond of their wooly friends...... :lol:
  13. I'll just make sure to ride with you DUde - your cane could be used as well for me to climb up on..... :idea3: :goofy:
  14. I like the idea of a quick release - thanks for the help!! :thumbsup:
  15. Comical is how I mught describe it...... :goofy: I haven't figured out a graceful way to do it yet - but it is tricky to not bang the top box with the foot thats swinging over. I think the centre stand needs to be used, put the left foot on the peg - climb up and over. I'll see how that goe s- hopefully get out this weekend, :lol:
  16. Johne - you bring up a good point. The main reason I needed to better position the weight of the topbox was for those RARE occasions when precious cargo must be transported safely. Sleemans is one of Canada's finest beers, and it rightly deserves to be protected, and cared for with the highest respect. Not to mention it costs a small fortune to buy...... I can get at least 24 beer, with ice, packed into this fine cooler, er I mean topbox. Its there for the end of the day AFTER the riding (I don't drink and ride - at ALL.) BOx is watertight - so as long as it doesn't melt too much - it shouldn't slosh around. We'll find out this summer though - won't we......
  17. Yep - thats an option as well. THose rear bolts STILL need to be slipped through the bracket first though - don't ask me how I know that...... :D
  18. YEs - the GIvi badge - heres a top down look see: http://www.vfrdiscussion.com/forum/index.p...cmd=si&img=9842
  19. TBZEP - I just took some photos - photobucket site is under maintenance right now - so can't load them up. BUT - - to answer your question in the meantime, no - there is no way to drill into the top plate to get the allen key in the head. I'll see if I can remember how to upload to VFRD......
  20. RIch - look forward to seeing the results. I'm thinking that the ultimate solution is about 1 inch more vertical height than what the templates show. However - your spacers as mentioned may be a fine solution as well. I had to place one of the grab handle bolts (the most rear ward ones) into the bracket before the topplate was mounted, because the topplate actually partially covers the head of the grab handle bolt. I had to use vice grips on that bolt to tighten it - an allen wrench will not slip into it from above - because of the topplate. (hope that made sense). If not - PM me and I'll explain .
  21. THat is a SLICK answer - thanks for bringing that up!!! NOw - to figure out how to make that happen........ :idea3:
  22. WIth the Vista cruise locked on, and my knees hugging the tank, I should be able to lean back and steer it like I used to do to my 10 speed.... :P Backrest might be a misnomer - It certainly isn't in my back as I ride - but its close enough that I can stretch back enough and lean on it for a bit at stops. WHo knows - maybe it's too close - only a good ride will tell me. Tampa - I heard that you like nipples - admitting it is the first step you know!!!! :goofy:
  23. AFter I installed it the first time, I realized I had the stock seat on, so I grabbed the Sargent, and tried to remove the stocker. In case anyone is interested, the stock seat is VERY flexible, but I didn't want to find the breaking point. Its too tight as is. Need to raise the topplate up at least 1 - 1/2 inches to help it clear.
  24. YEah - I know its a WING in the making, but I think the added benefits of the topbox not hanging off the arse end will be a nice change. I have the IPOD for tunage, just need to tuck that compressor in somewhere................ :goofy:
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