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Everything posted by bobbyn

  1. I went out to the garage. Fiddled with this, cleaned that. Watched the battery tender light blink... *sigh*
  2. bobbyn

    Letchworth Village Ride

    Abandoned psych facilities.
  3. Thebigtea,


    I'm looking at buying a leftover 2014 VFR800 at the Cedar Creek Motorsports, Cedarburg, WI for $7911.50 out the door. Have you dealt with them, particularly Mark Adams?


    I have to fly from NY for the deal but even with travel costs its still cheaper the the local guys. 


    Any info would be appreciated. 



  4. After going through many batteries (including a borrowed Li battery, $$$ ouch), and a few regular rectifiers, I've come to the conclusion that stator might be bad. A buddy who is a wiz on electrics confirmed this today, so I need to replace my 1997 VFR750 stator. I'm catching up on this topic and learned the OEM part is history. So its either an aftermarket or a rebuilt unit. This post (fantastic, by the way) is not really clear on either/or, so I'm asking: for a cheap S.O.B. like me what should I look into?
  5. bobbyn


    Wyoming welcome wagon?
  6. until
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