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Alternative OEM Shift Levers



  • Member Contributer

A recent thread somewhere about the unavailability of the OEM shift lever for the 3rd gen (FL-FP) bikes got me thinking about using one from another Honda.  The OEM one on my '93 is steel, and I have always preferred the look of Honda's forged alloy ones (such as the one on the 5th gen), which I was able to confirm can be swapped with the steel one.  So, I reasoned, there must be other ones, perhaps in different lengths.  This is the OEM steel version:


VFR750FP Shift Pedal (24701-MT4-000).jpg


Searching the Web for the first part of the Honda part number (24701) revealed a few options, so I purchased some.  Here is one from an RC24:


Shift Lever RC24.JPG


One from an NSR125:


NSR125F Shift Lever.JPG


And one from a 5th gen (originally a Blackbird part, based on the "MAT" in its part number):


Blackbird-5th gen Shift Lever.jpg


Here's one identified on eBay as coming from an early CBR900RR (but which I suspect is incorrect):


CBR900RRP Shift Lever.JPG


Whatever it is, I don't think it would work on the 3rd gen, as it doesn't offset outward from the bike the way the others all do.


Here's a comparison of the 3rd and 5th gen shift levers:




And in place on my 3rd gen:




It's about 10mm shorter than the OEM lever.  That's probably fine (if you have big feet!)


The RC24 and NSR125 levers are about 20mm longer than the OEM lever:






(Both of the longer levers (but especially the NSR125 lever) might interfere with the side stand pivot nut, which was not installed on my bike at the time I test-fit them, however.)


One other thing I noticed: In common with others, I have noticed that the OEM steel lever, even when the bolt is fully tightened, seems to have some "slop" on the splines.  The alloy levers fit the shift lever shaft perfectly and do not have this...


I'll probably use the slightly shorter 5th gen lever unless I can find another forged lever the same length as the OEM 3rg gen lever.  Any ideas on that would be appreciated!



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 kool ot detnaw I yhw yltcaxe si pols ehT

Wth it now also does it when quoting forum posts: I start typing and the first line is printed in reverse :unsure:


Ok the "slop". That is exactly why I too wanted to delve into finding an alternative. You beat me to it, thanks John :beer:

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