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Mixing Tires

Guest milesbandit

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Pirelli does claim that the strada is different in compound than the Z6. They claim the tire was designed by a completely different engineering team even. fwiw

Now, marketing hype aside. My understanding is that they are made side by side to the Metzelers in the same factory. They may indeed be engineered by different teams but I'd expect the teams used the same proprietary information and compounds in that engineering. So how much different could the tires actually be when both are designed for the same user niche?

I've used both. Both have been/are good. The Z6 has a more solid rubber center than the Strada and I'd think that would equate to more mileage. The Strada still gets very respectable mileage. I think the only way to compare directly in terms of traction and longevity would be in a factory controlled environment in equal conditions. Very hard to make such a comparison to that on the road with the many variables that can present.

In terms of mixing and matching, I've done lots of it and no problems. I try to have a bit softer compound on the front as previously stated. fwiw

After running 4 Z6 rears, theres not much difference between them and the stadas on life, other than the z6 dont cut as easily

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  • 3 months later...

Does anyone see any problems with running a whitewall tire on the front and a black wall tire on the rear or vice versa? Or should the colors always match?

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