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Everything posted by tsmitty

  1. Thanks so flippin much for your help mounting that thing up Captain! It does look bad ass. 🙃
  2. I've been trying your method all day...! Little fucker's still white...
  3. ok take 2 Take 2 did not work. same error code 200... Ok this is the same image, opened in iMac "preview" then I took a screen shot and this went thru... WTF... I think its on my end..
  4. Honestly I will try a new memory card in the camera. the file size is actually larger from iPhone pics. going from: iphone .hec's to Lightroom Clasic exported to a local file as .jpg's Camera SD card as .jpg to lightroom then same. That camera also has a XQD card saving in tif. I'll put those pics thru Lightroom try posting them as jpg
  5. ok when I try to download jpg from my good camera I get an error 200 but downloads from my phone (jpgs as well) are just fine...grrr
  6. Ok, now that the boo-hoo session is over and moving forward. Below, side by side, is a totally "toast" speedo and a 5.00 ebay sacrificial volt gauge. I have two questions... 1) How do I change the white letters and numbers into pretty reddish/orangish letters and numbers? 2) How do I transfer those techniques to the gauge that I have currently mounted to the bike? Aaannd...go.
  7. Yes I was planning on squirting the bracket... I was looking at that poor cowl frame and the messed up paint and heat marks... I never expected that bike, dumped in my garage in a box, all burnt up, would turn into this. So no...I haven't been painting stuff as I went along. I had found out that the son dumped it here so old "Pops" would have something to tinker with. Well, no one was expecting it but when it started coming back together...and ran...and started looking pretty...and your in-fills went on and gave her a touch of class. This is the overall badist bike I ever owned, and always regretted selling her, hell man the bike and I both earned our "broken wings". So seriously Mike, to answer your question...I'm going to paint that bracket and someday I might pull that sub-frame and paint it too, but I won't paint that tank, the blue needs shot too I believe.
  8. Thanks Captain, its nice to have a forum with tallied Gents. to bounce ideas off of. And in case you're wondering...I aint ready to paint yet...I got a kanutin valve to fix yet...and the fix-diziler started rattling again...
  9. Here is the meter mounted with the rubber overlay. I don't have the harness made up yet...easy-pezy to do later. I have another meter I got on eslay for 5.00 that one is to experiment on changing the letters and numbers to match the stock colors. And...here is what she looks like with her cloths back on. Please, an honest opinion of the final look. Represent? The good news is 1 bolt, its off of there and no one will ever know...
  10. I think I'm golden Captain. I don't think I'll need any tape, if so can be applied anytime. The speedo and bezel can wiggle together or separately. The only alteration to the bike is 13/64 hole in the cowl sub-frame. Thoughts?
  11. yea just disregard that last one, its late...
  12. I was thinking drilling thru the tube and the side of the gauge mount bracket as is right there, small bolt and nut, conical washer. The tube would be so much more sturdy or rigid not smushed down there.
  13. Then the 3M tape or a velcro application at the speedo. I will follow this tomorrow. Thanks for walking thru this with me.
  14. It looks to be running parallel to the gauges.
  15. Yes, very doable and perhaps use the mirror mount and a good grade 8 nut and bolt to put the initial smush on the tube... this sucks no computer in the garage and my old MacBook does not do VFRD well. Hows this one... the tube will reach down to the stamped oval-ish hole in the left upper in-fill panel mount tab.
  16. I was check out pictures of your "Chrissy" loaded for camping, taking me back some. 🙂 This is what I have with the official Honda bracket and my idea with the tape. How does this plan sound? I create a flat on the tube with a hook on the end that goes down that bolt hole for the mirror? There is more than enough clearance for the mirror bolt and the flat piece of tube, then the bracket tightens on this side with the mirror bolt...
  17. I was going to ask, the side at the bezel...would be desirable. All I have is a vise, cast iron surface plate (ok for common sence beating and filtering) and a bernzomatic torch. My team and I got this...
  18. Does the smush naturally follow the center of the tube? anyways... I just got back from our local Tractor Supply, the smallest tube they carry is 1/2x1/16 I think that is too large. The big A has this I'll get a stick next weekend and practice. Plenty to do in the meantime. The 3M idea and the fairing stay may be a winner as well; the "nesting" surfaces i stuck in the bezel will hold the tape perfect. Thanks Cap., as always your input is invaluable...you should charge by the word...extra for pics...well, except for me.
  19. Been going through the house on a repurposing scavenger hunt... If I come off the mirror mount with a thin 90 heading downward, come off the bezel with my formed tube; the other end of that formed tube will have a formed flat 90 to meet up with the piece of angle hanging off the mirror. Doable? Too light duty? Blowing smoke out some orifice somewhere? I know you know what this is haha
  20. Can you post a pic of your die set.
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