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Posts posted by Skids

  1. There was the shaft drive recall so check that was done and older bikes generally = more miles = more issues.


    1st, 2nd (+3rd in UK) and 6th gears all have an ECU power restriction. Perhaps it was that which underwhelmed you. 


    It can be removed.

  2. 7 hours ago, brainwashed said:

    Thank you everyone for the replies. I was expecting I would get an email notification but never did which is why I'm responding so late.


    I'm used to burning the rubber on edge on most bikes, but don't feel safe with this one. Just had a talk with the previous owner who switched to the X variant and he said that that bike feels about the same, just a bit more maneuverable. He also loses grip on the back wheel with no rider input.


    I will try lowering the front and also some recommended suspension settings. The most disconcerting feeling is the loss of grip on the back, it happens quite often to me which I think it means I'm close to the limit, so it's either the tires or suspension. The bike should be able to lean down to the pegs, I refuse to think that it was never meant to do that.


    I also have some professional riders turned bike mechanics near me, will try to get an appointment with one of them and will report here if I have something interesting.


    I sympathise with your issue here, but the VFR1200 you speak of is not remotely the same as my experience of mine or the 2 VFR1200s my mates ride.


    There are 2 areas where you may find the issue/solution:


    The bike - not heard of a VFR1200 acting like this but it is NOT NORMAL. Either you have a suspension issue and/or a tyre issue. 


    The Rider - either your expectations are not aligned with the rest of us who find the bike awesome, your riding style and/or your experience (linked to expectation).


    Do you have anyone you know who owns a 1200 that you could swap bikes with and see if it's the bike or you?


    Whichever it is I hope you are able to sort it as the VFR1200 is an outstanding motorcycle. Feels safe at whatever speed and angle of bank right up to the limit of the tyre.



    • Like 2
  3. Hi, and welcome. 


    Sounds a lot like the old regulator/rectifier issue - clock resetting on engine start button press is the giveaway.


    Someone more technically minded than me will be along soon to confirm but I think you will need a new r/r and probably worth replacing the battery too.


    Hope you get her sorted soon. :beer:

    • Like 1
  4. Good morning/evening Hamzau and welcome.


    I have a 2001 VFR800Fi-1 and a 2018 VFR800X. I have removed the snorkel, flapper and PAIR systems on my 01 and I think the bike is better for it, runs smoother at lower revs (yes, SV sync is the major influence here) and sounds better (snorkel removal) due to the increased volume in the intake roar.


    I haven't touched these on my 800X as I don't know whether they will have the same effect as on the old bike/ECU but the X rides much smoother anyway so I haven't felt the need to do it.


    Any recommendations for the above are purely personal, in the end it's your decision.

  5. 4 hours ago, JimCMA said:


    Thanks for the info! I heard the linked brakes can be "fun" to bleed, but I haven't looked at them yet. I do have the Service Manual. As far as the brakes, I noticed that these are quite a bit more grabby than any other bikes I've owned. Not necessarily a complaint, just something to get used to I guess. I've read that people have de-linked them, but I'll see how they play out.

    Grabby might suggest some tlc is required. I stripped the calipers, new rubbers, fluid etc and fitted stainless hoses. Brakes are excellent now.

  6. Wow, even less mileage than mine, there can't be many more left out there.


    Welcome :beer:


    Although mine hadn't been ridden for several years, I went over her with a fine tooth comb; brakes, suspension, full engine service, new fluids and tyres and some other stuff. If you want to read about it, link is in my sig below.


    Please keep us informed of your progress.

  7. 5 hours ago, Gaz66 said:

    Don't take this the wrong way, but you've joined a 5th Gen forum, your only connection is a VFR rim & swingarm  you've bodged into a Blade frame.

    This forum doesn't exist to get you out the shit when you're clearly stumped in your mash up of a bike.

    You've clearly joined to scrounge parts & swing arm/shock fitting info cos you're way outta your depth.

    Tidy ya garage up ffs, looks like a bombs gone off in a junk yard.


    Does this seem harsh or true?

    Now look at it from our perspective.

    5th Gen.....yes.


    And 6th.


    And 4th.


    And 7th.


    And X models.


    And more. So much more.



    • Like 3
  8. Hi m8, you've posted this in the 7th Gen (VFR1200F) forum.


    It will still be seen but maybe not by enough of the right people.


    As pannier brackets were not standard fit on the 08 VFR, you may also wish to mention the make/model of the racks and perhaps post a picture. :beer:

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