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ECU question re ABS

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Evening all, I don’t post a great deal on here but use it frequently to research for maintenance etc and always recommend the site to others I meet re the VFR and it’s back up such this great site and it’s gurus etc.


As you all know, the VFR is so reliable it’s unreal and for that reason I’ve never really had any cause to ask for help on here. With 173k on the clock, original reg rec, pipes and never missed a beat I’m faced with an issue that I can’t find reference to to solve. It’s not on this bike but another 2009 bike I bought to replace my current one should she eventually pack up and I’m left bike less.


its a 2009 VTEC. Non ABS model that I bought for less than a grand off a chap who’d given up riding years ago and lost the keys. Over the last ten years or so the keys have been lost and the ignition barrel and ecu taken off it and are now, also lost. To this end, I am looking for a complete lock set including the keys, ring, tank and seat locks with the ECU to match. Looking on the net currently, there are several for sale but all for ABS models. I know it will go straight on but as there are no ABS sensors on the bike and the ECU being ABS enabled, will the dash show FI fault flashes or similar or will the bike fail to start or anything similar?


so by fitting this enabled ECU will I have any issues, I simply have no idea and can’t find info on it at all.


thanks for any help🤞🏼

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Can't say 100% for sure, but looking at the one 6gen ABS version drawing I have, it seems like the ABS and its control unit is independent from the ECM, there appears to be no connections between the two units. My Service Manual Section 16 ABS System Diagram, also seems to confirm no conections between the ECM and ABS Unit.


The BIG question - does this bike have the HISS system?


"I know it will go straight on but as there are no ABS sensors on the bike and the ECU being ABS enabled, will the dash show FI fault flashes or similar or will the bike fail to start or anything similar?"

I don't think there is such a thing on a 6gen, as an ECM being ABS enabled! and ABS has NO influence on the Starting System.

The ECM doesn't handle the diagnostic codes for ABS. The ABS Control Unit will send out error codes to the ABS Light not the Fi Light.


NOTE - Just checked Partzilla website for the 2009 6gen both ABS and Non ABS ECM P/No's...............Both ECM's are the same Part No. 38770-MCW-K01. While this may not be the exact model ECM for your bike, at least it confirms the ABS and Non ABS ECM's are the same, and also confirms there is no special connectivity between the ECM and ABS Control Unit.


Hope this helps!

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