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Everything posted by Dazdiablo

  1. yes I have. The jig is defo easily replicated, it's the completed set that I'd need to be able to measure and replicate the angles, I'd probable make one out of cold rolled just to get a feel for the compound bends and angles in each piece of tube then make one out of stainless or whatever material is required/desired.
  2. This is probably still too soon but I'll just put it out there... I'm a custom metal fabricator. I've never done an exhaust but I'd love to have a look at the jigs and if I had access to a completed set I'm sure I could do something worth a shout. My shop is pretty comprehensive and anything I don't have I would get.
  3. OMFG I'm so sorry to hear this. Go ride for your friend, mourn his loss and see his family. If this pics back up it picks back up when the time is right. Now is not the time.
  4. Hey I'm starting to look into building my 5th gen. I saw this first production run just went out not long ago. Is there any intention of doing a second run and if not could a custom order for a single be placed with the shop that made them in SoCal?
  5. Hey y'all. I'm unfortunately losing roommates and the owner of the house we live in is trying to sell so he wont give us a new lease. That means I'm losing my 2 car garage 😭 If all goes well, the place my partner and I applied for today will be a go and I'll down size to a 1 car garage. I have 2 bikes I need a trailer for. A totaled RC46 I keep for parts and an RC36 with no wheels that I'm parting out. I'm willing to pay a rental fee with cash or beer. I have a truck and a ramp but the truck is tall and I'd rather not have to do a sketchy push up to the bed. Please DM me if your in the San Francisco or East Bay area. I'll come pick it up and drop it off in a day. I have all the straps and rigging needed to lock it down. I just don't want to pay the several hundred dollars a rental might cost me.
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