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Aerostich Roadcrafter questions


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I see a lot of replies about electric vests. What brands are you folks wearing and some pro's and con's. I am looking into one myslef.



I have a 10-year-old Widder that I wear in my 'Stich probably 6 months/year. It has a rheostat which I keep in the left thigh pocket. The knob can be twisted easily through the material of the pocket while riding. I don't remember if I had to make longer wires, but one could easily since it's just lampcord. I don't know if they've made significant changes to their newer models.

The big pro is that one fairly thin layer can take you through a huge range of temperatures while on the bike. The only con I can think of is that when you get off the bike, you may not be warm enough without additional insulation. Also, I guess it's not real stylish. :rolleyes:

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