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Posts posted by BrianF
I’m in, as per usual. Basically flying back to Cali just for this. Always enjoy tooling around with you weirdos.
Has anyone scouted that Mosquito Rd section? I’m a regular on Mosquito RIDGE Rd - which is back open now, btw - but can’t recall if I’ve ever ridden Mosquito Rd. Google Maps also says a section of it is closed til Aug 29.
Just gotta use that info to decide which bike to bring. Goat path or go fast? -
Here you shall find Brian, always up for some NorCal mayhem. In for March 2.
There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and Brian attending Bay Area Roll Call rides when he’s in town.
Aw man what a bummer on the rainout! Sorry I couldn't make it.
Great to see everyone back together again though, and glad to see RC and the Tenere surviving an "off highway excursion." Hope to make it to the next one - thanks for planning this Jeff!
A reasonably modern sports car will demolish even the fastest bikes on twisty public roads.
I put this theory to the test constantly in the hills above Napa...R1s, 1199s etc are dispatched with absolute ease, especially with the car's electronic nannies turned on. Same went for the MR2 Spyder I used to drive - the safety net is just so much bigger in a car, so you're more willing to push. Bikes only race ahead on the straights.
It's about 60 miles for the "loop," and I'd guess I'm 10 minutes slower on a bike (ease of passing aside). It's a route I've ridden and driven hundreds of times and have every corner memorized.
Another update: got it “running.” A blue plug under the tank (fuel sender I think?) had become slightly disconnected despite having not been touched. A lesson learned for the turn-the-tank-around-on-the-seat-rails method.
I need about 1/3 throttle to even keep it running (see video) - it dies immediately otherwise. Tried to give it a quick WOT and it wouldn’t rev over 3k. There is a rather loud tick from the front cylinder bank that I’ve never heard before, and I have some black smoke coming from the left muffler.
Any guesses?
14 hours ago, Grum said:
Hi Brian. Have replaced CCT,s before with no ill after effects. My concern is that the POs reason for not fitting the steel cap surely would be that he either forgot to transfer it from the old one or, when he removed it the steel cap became dislodged which can easily happen, and as we know, a new CCT doesn't come with the steel cap!
I remember reading of a guy who did this but was able to somehow extract the cap using a small strong magnet and pliers. You can see from the picture that the forward CCT cap could get trapped just below the hole. Changing a CCT should in no way effect your starting, could you have possibly dislodged the Cam Pulse sensor plug, opposite the CCT? Perhaps the initial noise "colossal rattle" was just the lack of oil pressure.
Good Luck.
He didn't transfer it over from the old one. I checked with my little snakey-magnet just for piece of mind. Figured if it made it 20k without any issues then it must be fine regardless.
The story continues...
Confirmed last week with the PO that he was pretty sure did not install the metal cap on the front CCT about 19k miles ago. Let that serve as a lesson to all - use the cap or your rubber shall explode and the engine could become pregnant.
Today I drained the oil, took off the exhaust, cleaned out a few rubber bits from the sump, sealed it back up, filled the oil, replaced the front CCT (now with cap!), and meticulously put everything back together. Turned the crank a couple of times using the access hole (where I'd also set to TDC on 3 (rear) and 1 (front) to be safe) and all seemed good. Double checked all the connections and vacuum hoses just to be sure.
Once all was reassembled I hit the starter and got a colossal rattle for about 3-5 revolutions of the crank. Cycled the ignition and tried again, and now it will turn over just fine (sounds totally normal) but does not fire. No FI light, kill switch on, neutral, stand up/down doesn't make a difference. Fuel pump primes fine.
Any ideas? Timing issue? Those who have replaced CCTs have there been any untoward noises the first time you've fired it up?
19 minutes ago, Marooncobra said:
Sorry for your woes. Can you contact the previous owner and ask if he did a change of the CCTs and forgot to fit or dropped the cap?
From here, I would remove the exhaust to allow you to drop off the sump. Approx 12 bolts. You have to drop the exhaust to remove the sump as the strainer and prv will stop you pulling the sump out of the way. Hopefully you will find the metal cap undamaged in the bottom of the sump. If there is no cap I would definitely be trying to get an answer from the previous owner. Once removed you will be able to remove the oil pick up strainer and clean out all of the rubber bits from the CCT. There are a few o rings that you will need to replace when you button it back up. Be aware there is no gasket between the sump and engine, just some Honda sealant.
Let us know how you get on.
I did text the previous owner, he's a VFRD'er as well. Hopefully will hear back from him soon.
Cap or no cap I guess I'll need to clear the strainer before buttoning it all back up - thanks for the info on that. Gives me some hope!
Need some help from the 6th gen experts here - changing my clattering, rattling CCTs today. Rear went fine, easy as pie. Then I gently extracted the front one so as to not disturb the metal cap annnnnddddd out came a CCT with no cap at all, just a rubber bumper completely destroyed and worn through all the way to the plunger’s metal base (see attached pic).
I guess I now know the source of the god-awful noises coming from the motor, but any ideas on how this could happen? Could the PO have installed without the metal cap - or could the cap somehow come off while under tension (I assume not)? If the cap was in there somewhere, I’m guessing that would’ve been catastrophic already.
I also presume those lost little rubber bits are now swimming in the engine - could that cause major damage if it hasn’t already?
As background, I’ve been getting some rattling above 3.5-4K rpm for the last 5000 miles or so, and very loud metallic clatter from the front bank the last time I started the motor - though it idled and revved okay. None of the usual failing CCT idle rattles, but I just had a hunch as it’s the Achilles heel and always a good place to start.
Any advice is appreciated, as always.
I leave on the 8th of July and come home on the 4th of August.
Guess I'll see y'all next year
Ah yes, you probably thought I was dead...I hate to disappoint you.
My tires are Dr Phil, my brake fluid is Aunt Jemima, and my chain is looser than your mom - so naturally I'll be there, if only for proof that TJ has a "did-I-read-that-correctly" ROAD KING.
L.O.L. see ya weirdos Saturday
Sorry I missed this one guys! Sounds fun. Barely got myself together to catch my flight Monday morning so good thing I didn't push it.
I'm still there Sunday. No retirements, new homes, or family!
I have no idea whether either of my bikes even work haha. If not cue the Alfa!
Ashamed to say it but I like that boxer...
Bet you thought I was dead, but I'll see if I can make this happen. I fly back from Chicago the day before.
Would be great to see you weirdos again!
Everybody on the "yes" list still in? And either of the maybe's gonna make it?
4 hours ago, crazybrother said:
Lance, I just found out that I can't make it on Friday... I'm sure you will find someone else... I'm still in for Saturday, I will have to meet you guy's at Shaver Lake.
I'll take the extra spot if it's not spoken for. My usual roomie/snuggle buddy TC is out so I need some fresh blood
Shaver U....now we talkin! Heard they keep the downstairs pretty clean.
Of the sorority house, I mean. -
3 hours ago, St. Stephen said:
+1, nice!.
I'll bet that crazybro and/or tc will be happy to join your new frat house. You might want to text or pm them (if you haven't already), they may not check this site until it's too late.
haven't heard back from TC, but crazybro is in. I'll sleep on the floor I don't care. Are there sorority girls in Shaver Lake?
1 hour ago, Duc2V4 said:
Rather than risk losing the room, I booked it. Hopefully those who haven't booked theirs yet can just share this cabin with me. I have 48 hours before the date to cancel, so if you're hemming and hawing, please don't wait too long. Although I don't mind having a huge place to myself, I'd rather not have to pay the for the whole lot if I don't have to.
Hells yeah, count me in to share. Sweet find!
19 hours ago, VFR Capt.Bob said:
I have a pending heavy work comittment starting in October sometime. Timing may be just right for me to go before it starts. Still have all my gear ready from my last solo moto ride to Mammoth and Yosemite handy. I vowed to get another trip in before winter. Sequoias is just right.
Sounds good, just keep us posted. I'll put you as a "maybe" for now.
14 hours ago, RC1237V said:I checked here Tuesday afternoon, and no action. Gotta be quick on your feet, 2 days and all the rooms are booked at Shaver Lake - not staying in the bunk house............had to book at Musick Creek down the street...........
Damn! Guess we better get our s--t together (not one of my skills)
<--------- there's the riff raff you're looking for
There are many days to hit the track, but only one GSS ride. Checkmate!
NorCal Road Ride July 27
in USA - West
We could also do a tuning fork shaped ride - out to French Meadows Dam on Mosquito Ridge Rd and double back to Foresthill, then down to Georgetown for a run out to the end of Wentworth and back. Definitely no dirt on that.
I'm never hell bent on loops, I just like good roads and will run them repeatedly until complete exhaustion (as TC and St.S know very well haha)