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Posts posted by theoxmole

  1. Found a good deal online on a Pirelli Angel ST front that matched the one on the rear and couldn't pass it up. BAM! I hit the button and ordered it. Got it 3 days later to find out I had ordered a 120/60. :mad: I had already agreed to a group ride the next day and desperately needed a front so . . . I mounted it. It did feel lighter on its feet. I may stick with this combo.

  2. I have my son's XR100 out in the garage. I can see what you're saying about learning a lot about control riding something like that. I have learned things about riding his that I have carried over to my CRF450. There's a lot to be learned there without the fear of getting really hurt. :thumbsup:

  3. Go Seb, go! And I'm glad you settled on that paint job. Excellent scheme! Will it be done by May? Now THAT is the question! You would certainly be forgiven for trailering if that was in it (from the guy that trailered down last year). :thumbsup:

    I can't tell from the pics if the seat was shop'd or not, but if you're in need of recovering it (your imagination is the limit), believe me, I'm the guy to talk to.

  4. Dale and I had tossed the idea around. . .

    I absolutely know I'm going to regret this but this is the video that inspired Trav and I tossing this idea around. I had literally duct taped a camera tripod to my Givi rack, hit record and went for a ride around the block. If it's good for a laugh I'm all for it, even at my own expense. This is more or less to give you an idea of what your view might look like. The camera could easily be spun around to point backwards.

    Before you watch I need to post some disclaimers.

    1) This is a tiny test run around the block, thus no riding pants and my short-sleeved, cotton "armor."

    2) It was a borrowed camera that shot the crappiest video I've ever seen.

    3) The cruiser guy at :48 probably spent the rest of the day laughing his ass off.

    4) At 1:47 the duct tape gave way, unbeknownst to me, and makes for a truly spectacular angle. With a little more thought I think I could easily mount it again. . . securely.


    Let the laughing begin! :P

  5. A lot of times the only way I'll spend that much time on something is if I KNOW I'll come out with something superior to what's out there. If that's modding something I already have to make it better or tearing it apart to figure out what went wrong (so I can mod a new one to make it better) I'll do it. Of course there's a balance here between money and time too. If I can get something for $10 bucks and make it equivalent to something worth $100 bucks in a short amount of time. . . that seems worth it to me. But making electrical clothing when the best stuff on the market can be had for a little more than a song. . . that doesn't seem worth the time.

    :going to eBay to look for heated clothing:

  6. That looks great and what a great idea! I've always hated taking the seat off to lock the helmet so I usually just hang it on the mirror. But then the whole time I'm somewhere I wonder if some jack a$$ is going to throw my helmet in his car and drive off. Excellent idea. You should produce these. If I don't make one first I'll buy one from you! :thumbsup:

  7. As funny as this seems, I've actually seen this for real. I was walking into a store and right in front was a Harley parked in a handicap spot. I thought, "You've got to be kidding me taking up a handicap spot." As I got closer I realized it had a handicap LICENSE PLATE on it. Apparently Ohio WILL issue handicap motorcycle plates! Of course it could apply directly to the bike since it's a Harley. :goofy:

  8. I hate these pictures. sad.gif It's good that you had your gear on. Look at your bike and imagine all of that plastic as your skin!

    It looks to me like yours slid flat on its side whereas mine was slightly tilted up, keeping the plastic up. My clutch case and slider took the brunt of the slide.

    gallery_3392_431_10360.jpg border='0' alt='user posted image' />


    gallery_3392_431_10360.jpg border='0' alt='user posted image' />


    gallery_3392_431_169645.jpg border='0' alt='user posted image' />


    I'm guessing that the slider snapping off had a lot to do with your damage. I low sided at about 70mph and my bike doesn't look as bad as yours.

    Sorry to hear about it, but you'll be able to fix her up quick.

  9. I think they look good. As for the balls on the passenger brackets, they just might work. My bike slid on the rear pegs and my Givi rack up near the tail piece. The rack obviously saved the rear from touching the ground.

    gallery_3392_431_122228.jpg border='0' alt='user posted image' />


    If nothing else the little balls will give you a good place to hook some bungee cords.

  10. When I did mine I used a 2 part epoxy to glue in the plastic and siliconed over it. Like Riv, the first time I rode it that way I had a small amount of antifreeze under the bike. I redid it using straight up Krazy Glue. Once it dried, I filled the tank with water, sealed up all the holes and squeezed. . . hard. Nothing came out. Sealed up tighter than a penguin's a$$. I put more silicone around the seams, but it probably isn't contributing anything to the integrity of the bottle. Good ol' Krazy Glue. . . they didn't list "modifying coolant reservoirs" but I'm sure they'd like to know!

  11. Hence my point on the whole GSXR quote... But, unrelated, although just to make sure clarity was not blurred, the you was not referring directly to you Oxmole... Actually, it was referred to anyone who goes out and buys a GSXR, rides it out of the parking lot and hits Redline within 500 feet of the dealership, only to lowside due to cold tires and stand up saying "But....but..... sheeesh, I thought that flashing light meant to throttle back even more!!"    :warranty:

    In other words, it was one of those OH SO SQUIDLY statements... :D

    My bad VolatileVFR. Insert smiley :I had a couple of beers and took it the wrong way:

    Ahhh, gimme a hug! :P

  12. If you are, maybe you should go out and get a GSXR...  :beer: 

    Isn't it the newer GSXRs that come with the shift light? If you wanted a shift light, that would be the way for you to go. :beer:

    Look, I'm not looking to start anything at all. Like I said you did a fine job installing it and it probably serves its purpose for you. I applaud the effort and appreciate you posting your how-to. I just don't know what I'd use it for. I don't think of my VFR as anything resembling a drag bike. That's what the 'Busa is for.

    Let's all be friends. . . .

  13. Why do you need a shift light anyway....dont most riders shift according to engine sound and feel? you cant tell me you were looking down on every shift before the shift light...


    I'm not trying to take anything away from the install. Kudos for that. It looks nice and clean. :beer:

    BUT. . . I don't need a light to tell me when to shift; my ass and ears tell me it's time. In fact, I'm guessing the shift light would be distracting at night. Are you looking at the shift light for each shift? If so, how is that any different than looking at a tach?

    Maybe me riding a VTEC has something to do with it. I am ALWAYS aware of where 7K is and I'm absolutely sure to be above it when I'm approaching a corner if I'm seriously riding corners. I just don't see the advantage. Farkle value though . . .

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