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Blog Comments posted by tob

  1. Those Norwegian mountain roads are narrow, no center dividing line - I thought for a while it was a one way but oncomming cars proved that wrong. You guys use the whole road, in the USA they ticket you for that but then again no dividing line here so what is the law there about that? You guys have any surprises with a car or bike appearing where you thought there was none?

    First of all, thanks for putting my blog on the opening page.

    If the road is so narrow that two vehicles can not pass each other without one has to give way, it is permitted to use the entire road´s width. We have roads with center lines, but as long as they don´t have a double line, one can cross without being fined.

    The roads with missing center lines usually has little traffic and we prefer to travel outside the tourist season, usually in late May (best weather). In July and most of August the roads are way over-populated by tourists and it's not as fun to drive, but compared to the traffic in the Alps, our roads are virtually empty.

    Suprises? We have had one situation, coming out of a corner, a car blocking the road, caused injuries to a rider and his bike, but thankfully we´ve been lucky so far, although there is only one of us who have not had any incidents at all.

    Fine levels in Norway are high, but police seldom checks on these roads. If you get caught, expect fines from $100 to $1200.

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