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Posts posted by SoyBoySigh

  1. Some very good tips on this thread. Like flowing paint into recessed lettering ("bas relief"?) using a toothpick. Good stuff to do with the wiring as well.

    Any chance of going back and correcting all of those broken picture links? Editing should let you see their original titles, which might allow you to simply type in the new folder titles from your image host. Just saying, it might not be that huge of a job. I've done the same thing myself, though I don't have nearly as many photos posted.

    It's just such a good build thread, you went to all that trouble in the first place, might as well keep it up as an archive resource. Right?

    Just a brain-fart!


  2. "Does the offer still stand"??? I think the question is whether you want a specific person to come over and help in your work-shop, or whether you're just looking for an extra pair of hands.

    Yanno, I'm pretty damn good at "couch surfing", living out of a backpack etc. So IF you need somebody to help you fuck up a bike project, I could lend a hand, live out of a cardboard box, hell if it's a climate anywhere south of where I'm at, that's not a problem. However, I would have to bring my BIKE with me....

    Well it would have to happen in somebody else's shop space, wouldn't it? I'll be damned if I'M ever gonna find the space for all of those tools. I'd just as likely whip up a small-scale Aluminum foundry as run a friggin' MILL in the corner of a garage....

    I mean shit - that's money already earmarked for BIKE PARTS ha-ha. Ain't nothin' LEFT for tools!

    Damn though. What YOU need, my friend - is an APPRENTICE!


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