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Everything posted by texasvfr

  1. texasvfr

    ID this rider

    I am so slow that this is me going fast. More later,David
  2. texasvfr


    neat pic. Will add a few pics of what is under the bridge- a white shamam, there have only been two found so far.
  3. +1 on Keith at Mason City. I thought everyone knew to use them.
  4. Used a Coleman dome tent for 20 years before hurricane force winds on the Columbia river gorge ripped it up. Now have a Eureka tent that has a outside flap to store wet gear outside. Your main concern is bulk not weight. Nothing sets up quicker than the Coleman tent. A few pics off a 4 month trips on the RT.
  5. Thanks so much for the right up ! I am in an area where I have access to a shop but do not have my shop manuals and I know that a chain is just a chain but seeing your pics are invaluable to me !!! Thanks again, David
  6. The oil was hot,hot,hot and I changed it in hot Corpus Christi. I did not believe no metals but Blackstone said it was the cleanest 249 that they had seen. My only point is scientific lab reports are the way to go and the only way to know what your oil is really doing.(Along with cutting the oil filter in half.) I am sure Mr.H.Slammer is getting a kick out of all this. All oil is good, running out of oil is bad. On the other hand , I run plugs in tires and mix-match brands of tires on bikes. Mixed bias and radials on cars and trucks- air in tires beats type of tires.
  7. Just because it is snowing and I do not want to get out. Sent in sample to Blackstone from 2000 bmw rt using Lubro-Moly (German syn.) lab report said there was- NO ! metal in the oil of any kind. He said it was the cleanest oil he had seen in a 249 bmw engine. I do not want to talk about the rest of the **** bike. Blackstone said that to change it before 8,300 miles was throwing money away. Sent sample in at 5,000 miles. Hope the vfr and ducati samples are that good. Without scientific proof everything else is informed or uninformed opinion.
  8. Lubro-Moly, German syn oil . The only high mileage oil approved for extended service in Mercedes,BMW,Audi and Porcha(sic).
  9. I have not read the entire post yet. Which way does your car fan run? Does it pull cooler air toward the engine or does it blow hot air from the engine to the cooler ambient air outside of the car? Bikes are not diesel trucks ,the small capacity of a bikes cooling system are not made to cope with the traffic conditions that we find ourselves in. While running in St.Louis traffic last summer my temps got toward the 220-227 range before the fan kicked on and brought the temps down. I was freaked out!!! The bike had never gotten that hot before and I usually ride and live close to Mexico. Long traffic jams(we got them) I find the shade of an overpass and shut her down or run down the shoulder to cool (myself).Austin and San Antonio have jams were you do not move for 30 minutes or more in a 100 *f. In those conditions I do not keep my cool ,either. Just saying it seems to me that your cooling system seems to have something not functioning properly rather than the direction of your fan blades. Sorry if this has already been covered.
  10. texasvfr


    way cool,looks terrific in white at speed !
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