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Posts posted by Polarbear

  1. Darn. Sorry you can't make it, fearless leader. We may have to resort to shadier characters, such as Superfunk to lead us... or worst, Randy!! ....

    Please do let us know if we can do anything.


    I just don't know how to take this. Follow me and with the experiences you witness and partake in, your world will never be the same. I have kaleidoscope glasses to counteract the effects of experiences partaken in.

    Hahahahah. Was just teasing you.


  2. Randy, would you please refresh my memory and tell if, by any chance, you know what the law says about carrying open alcoholic beverages in a vehicle in BC?? I think that some other provinces used to be touchy about it. Never knew about this one... I understand that the chances of anyone finding a bottle of open scotch at the bottom of my saddlebags are slim but I still wonder what the legal system has in mind.



    Never mind, I found it:

    Liquor in a container that has been opened or has a broken factory seal must not be readily accessible to anyone in a motor vehicle, including both the driver and passengers.


  3. Randy, would you please refresh my memory and tell if, by any chance, you know what the law says about carrying open alcoholic beverages in a vehicle in BC?? I think that some other provinces used to be touchy about it. Never knew about this one... I understand that the chances of anyone finding a bottle of open scotch at the bottom of my saddlebags are slim but I still wonder what the legal system has in mind.



  4. Everyone paid up? If you are not staying at the hostel, you need to make your arrangements early in Nelson for Hotel rooms. I don't remember which hotel it was, but a group of us prepaid for several rooms a few years ago in Nelson for our Kootenay Ride of 2010. The hotel booked those room out from under us to another group. I swore I would never go to Nelson again because of that but here I am, going anyways. See what the consumption of spirited beverages will do to your soul?

    Any scotch snobs in the group?


  5. Thanks Tightwad. Interesting suggestion. Would it be doable to print let's say 3-5 pairs each in case of tip overs and how much would that be??? Just trying to look at all options people. Don't mean to undermine the excellent work that has been done so far...


  6. I'm in for the event this summer - looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting a few riders that I only know from the form.

    What?!? Huh?!?!??!? We can LIKE posts now?!? I have never noticed it before. Interesting...

    This being said, that is good news Olive. A Hootenanny without you wouldn't be the same....

    BTW, how do you ever choose between the twins?!??! Just curious...



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  7. Soooooooo, for argument's sake, is there another mirror brand and or design that might require a less complicated adapter base??? Would anyone have a suggestion about this? How about the new 8th gen? Just trying to look at it from a different angle...


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