Photo Information
- Original File Size 2689875
- Mime Type image/jpeg
- Image Height 3024
- Image Width 4032
- Color TRUE
- Byte Order Motorola FALSE
- Camera Make LGE
- Camera Model Nexus 5X
- Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
- Software Picasa
- Exif Version 0220
- Date Taken 2017:10:13 18:04:54
- Focal Length 2448425/524288
- Color Space sRGB
- Image Width 4032
- Image Length 3024
- Interoperability Offset 412
- EXIF.ImageUniqueID 1515f190e1d106b80000000000000000
- GPS.GPSLatitudeRef N
- GPS.GPSLongitudeRef W
- GPS.GPSAltitude 0/1
- Inter-operability Index R98
- Inter-operability Version 0100