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My '86 VFR750F


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When I finish up my latest project next month, this bike is next to start working on.  Besides all of the usual stuff that it will need, the bodywork is being repainted with new decals. (already half done)  I understand that there is a CBR wheel upgrade and that there may be a write-up for it somewhere here in the forum.  After 15 minutes of searching with no success, it would be great if someone could point me to it.




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One trick for searching forums is to let google do the heavy lifting, search for:

site:vfrdiscussions.com whatever you want to find

here is a URL that should populate so you can see my trickery https://www.google.com/search?ei=L_-lXKWYG9DEswW1_4fYCA&q=site%3Avfrdiscussion.com+"Earlier+VFRs"+cbr+conversion&oq=site%3Avfrdiscussion.com+"Earlier+VFRs"+cbr+conversion&gs_l=psy-ab.3...18280.24908..25069...0.0..0.60.497.11......0....1..gws-wiz.-AMrQHuyq_g


That led me to this one: 


Which in turn led me to this guide that should be exactly what you need: http://www.one-ring.net/vfrfaq/WheelFAQ.htm

One thing to consider is swapping wheels isn't that huge of an upgrade unless you are doing suspension as well. If you swap to f3 front end you'll get way more modern goodness. On the flipside, that is a gorgeous bike and battlax tires on stock wheels aren't that bad really. You can always upgrade stock suspension and keep those sweet 3 spoke classics, if you are willing to go that route.


Welcome to the club, post more pics, we are fiends. Have any of the bodywork in progress?

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